I bought some new songs from iTunes for my daughters birthday with the hopes of burning her an audio cd of her favorites. I am using a TDK firewire external burner(48/24/48) and have had no past problems using toastlite for burning. none of the "new" music will burn to cd. I have wasted six cd's trying to get it to work. The track info and song times are there, but I hear no audio from any cd player, including the computer where the songs are stored as purchased music. HOw do I best resolve this conflict? Any help, flaming, etc... will be much appreciated. I am running 10.2.8 on a DV400 iMac with 320gbRam, iTunes 4.6. If I cannot burn because of some new security encoding, I should be entitled to a full refund, since the burning is the major rreason I bought the songs in the first place... right? Am I the only idiot to have this problem? H-E-L-P- please...