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macrumors 6502
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I bought some new songs from iTunes for my daughters birthday with the hopes of burning her an audio cd of her favorites. I am using a TDK firewire external burner(48/24/48) and have had no past problems using toastlite for burning. none of the "new" music will burn to cd. I have wasted six cd's trying to get it to work. The track info and song times are there, but I hear no audio from any cd player, including the computer where the songs are stored as purchased music. HOw do I best resolve this conflict? Any help, flaming, etc... will be much appreciated. I am running 10.2.8 on a DV400 iMac with 320gbRam, iTunes 4.6. If I cannot burn because of some new security encoding, I should be entitled to a full refund, since the burning is the major rreason I bought the songs in the first place... right? Am I the only idiot to have this problem? H-E-L-P- please...
Cheese said:
I bought some new songs from iTunes for my daughters birthday with the hopes of burning her an audio cd of her favorites. I am using a TDK firewire external burner(48/24/48) and have had no past problems using toastlite for burning. none of the "new" music will burn to cd. I have wasted six cd's trying to get it to work. The track info and song times are there, but I hear no audio from any cd player, including the computer where the songs are stored as purchased music. HOw do I best resolve this conflict? Any help, flaming, etc... will be much appreciated. I am running 10.2.8 on a DV400 iMac with 320gbRam, iTunes 4.6. If I cannot burn because of some new security encoding, I should be entitled to a full refund, since the burning is the major rreason I bought the songs in the first place... right? Am I the only idiot to have this problem? H-E-L-P- please...

burn it from iTunes - problem solved.
Toast doesn't know what to do with the AAC-formatted songs from iTunes Music Store. Burn with iTunes and it'll work.

Make a playlist with the songs, then make sure your burning preferences are set to "Audio CD." Click on the playlist, click on burn--that's it.

I'm not sure why you asked to be flamed, but I'll give you a tiny one if it makes you feel better: Yes, you're the only one having this problem--use iTunes. :D
Thanx for the swell advice, and the flame. I am anti-MS, anti anything other than Apple, so iTunes would be my first choice, but for some strange reason, iTunes doesn't recognize my CD burner! I checked with TDK, and the tech's there said that it is Apple's responsibility to port iTunes to be compatible with their burner, so I am stuck with toastlite. .. unless you know of a better replacement burning app.... (hint-hint) Really thanx a bunch.
You can always try using hymn, found here, to remove the DRM and then use Toast to burn them.
I DL'd HYMN, but it doesn't seem to do much of anything. Is anyone using a TDK external (CDRW4800B) firewire400 with iTunes? I'd like to know wherein the problem lies? i,e,. which hard/soft/firmware component(s) is at fault. Is it toastlite, iTunes, ITMS, TDK, Roxio, or even Apple who is to blame? Normally, Idon't like to point fingers, but I must know the root cause of this problem, and have found no real solutions. A 'lil help PLEASE?
Cheese said:
I bought some new songs from iTunes for my daughters birthday with the hopes of burning her an audio cd of her favorites. I am using a TDK firewire external burner(48/24/48) and have had no past problems using toastlite for burning. none of the "new" music will burn to cd. I have wasted six cd's trying to get it to work. The track info and song times are there, but I hear no audio from any cd player, including the computer where the songs are stored as purchased music. HOw do I best resolve this conflict? Any help, flaming, etc... will be much appreciated. I am running 10.2.8 on a DV400 iMac with 320gbRam, iTunes 4.6. If I cannot burn because of some new security encoding, I should be entitled to a full refund, since the burning is the major rreason I bought the songs in the first place... right? Am I the only idiot to have this problem? H-E-L-P- please...

I had this problem when iTunes 4.6 came along. I used toast to burn my audio CDs (because it supports CDTEXT). When I upgraded to iTunes 4.6, I experienced the same problems as you do. It sux, because I want the CDTEXT.
I appreciate all response, even flaming, 'cause this is driving me bonkers trying to learn the new protected codec shtuff, and to find it all, while trying to work at the same time... (MUST MULTITASK...)I will check out xlr8yourmac and though I've already tried patchburn, I will look for PB2.. Thanx and keep the suggestions coming.
Flame at will, Maybe it'll teach me something(doubtful)
mkaake said:
and i don't think anyone flamed you?

Check the joke at the end of Horrortaxi's post.

I thought that having the latest version of QuickTime was supposed to allow you to burn the protected AAC files in Toast? Maybe you have to have Toast Titanium instead of the light version? Some people in the Apple Support Forum seem to say that using the latest version of Roxio Jam will burn the files.
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