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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 22, 2003
i have a .dmg file i need to burn onto a dvd the problem is the burner is in my x86 box :(

I am running suse 9.1 and xp on this box, are any apps available for either os that will allow me to burn a .dmg?
Nero 6 should be able to. It might depend on on the flie format of the dmg, is it UDF (as in DVD video) or is it a Mac disk image created via Disk Utility?
and it starts,

sounds like a tiger beta to a search next time.
not a tiger beta i dont like using a beta OS i cant afford to lose data

i used ccc to make a backup of my system and its just too big to fit on a cd
Adurbe said:
not a tiger beta i dont like using a beta OS i cant afford to lose data

i used ccc to make a backup of my system and its just too big to fit on a cd
From my understanding of what you want to do, I gather that you want to burn a .dmg file as data to the CD. I gather that you don't want to create a real CD from the disk image. I base my understanding on the fact that the contents of the .dmg are too big to fit on a CD. At any rate, you should just burn the .dmg file as you would burn any other data file. Unless you use some obscure format on your CD, the Mac will have no trouble with it.
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