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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 29, 2008
the parched earth of North Texas

I am looking for a business card reader that DOES NOT require the data be synced/merged to one's Address Book.

I have 3 books of cards I've collected over the years at various functions and other avenues of networking. The majority of those cards I may never use again however I want to access that info if needed. Ideally it will keep a scanned image of the original card and allow one to search the data. But again, I do not want to HAVE to import that data into the address book.

Anyone familiar with an app that suits those needs?

I can confirm that ScanBizCards will allow you to scan business cards without having them automatically added to your address book. I'm with you, i have a number of work related cards that I want to keep but also want to keep those contacts completely separate from my personal address book on my iphone. This app allows for it. It seems like every other biz card scanning app automatically pumps the contact info into the address book. I would be interested to know if any other biz card scanning apps makes import to address book optional.
I can confirm that ScanBizCards will allow you to scan business cards without having them automatically added to your address book. I'm with you, i have a number of work related cards that I want to keep but also want to keep those contacts completely separate from my personal address book on my iphone. This app allows for it. It seems like every other biz card scanning app automatically pumps the contact info into the address book. I would be interested to know if any other biz card scanning apps makes import to address book optional.

Thanks diesel, I'll give it a try this evening.

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