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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 7, 2009
hello i am creating a drum machine app, right now i have 12 buttons with events that each play a different sound. any ways i would like to allow my users to select between 3 different sounds for each button allowing them to create their own drum sets. such as using a touch drag exit that will switch the event of a button to a new one with a new sound.

sorry if a made this sound confusing i couldnt think of a better way to explain it

What's the question?

how can i change the event of a button through a touch drag exit method

for example you have button1, its event on load is to play sound1 with a touch up in it method

what i want to do but don't know how, is change the event of that button to a new one using a touch drag exit method so when a touch up in it method is now executed it will play a different sound

sorry again im having a hard time explaining what im trying to do
OK, I think there are two parts to this.

You can change the target/action for a button easily. You can use the addTarget:action:forControlEvents: and removeTarget:action:forControlEvents: methods to change the target/action for a button.

The other part is: what UI do you use to allow the user to indicate that they are changing this? There is of course nothing built-in that does this. Do you have some idea of how you want the user to do this? I can image going to a detail view that has pickers for these things or other controls that let the user change the action. I can image some kind of control that changes the mode of the view from the normal 'execute the action' to 'choose an action' and in the choose an action mode touching a button changes its action, rather than executes the action.

What do you have in mind for the UI?

I guess from your saying that you want to change the action/target by a touch you want something like my second method described above. You could have something like this:

You have an Edit/Done button. Changing to Edit mode allows configuring the buttons.
In Edit mode when you tap on a button it changes its title.
Say you have three sounds, sound1, sound2, sound3.
In non-edit mode a button's title is sound2. When the user taps the button it plays the sound.
In edit mode when the user taps the button the title changes to sound3. Maybe it also plays the sound. If the user taps the button again it displays sound1, and so on.
When the user taps the Edit/Done button to exit edit mode then the buttons return to only playing their sound.

Make any sense?
im sorry but i have no clue how to implement and use addTarget:action:forControlEvents:
in my code. this is my first time coding in c i usually code in basic. below is a link to download the source to my project im working on. i would like to keep the same ui and execute the addTarget:action:forControlEvents: through a touch drag exit

thanx for your help

What you describe is a complicated but I think do-able UI. If you are a complete beginner then it's probably beyond you at this point.

I recommend that you get one of the iPhone books and work through it doing the examples. You should be able to work through the book in a matter of days to weeks depending on how much time you spend. Come back to this problem after that.

What you describe is a complicated but I think do-able UI. If you are a complete beginner then it's probably beyond you at this point.

I recommend that you get one of the iPhone books and work through it doing the examples. You should be able to work through the book in a matter of days to weeks depending on how much time you spend. Come back to this problem after that.

wow who would of thought it would be that complicated something similar can be achieved in basic with a simple if then else. anyways thanx for your help
I'm curious. What would the condition of this 'if' be? You can even describe it using pseudo-code.

i use another ui object in vb, a radio button

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then
Label1.Text = "hello world"
Label1.Text = "hello person"
End If

End Sub
End Class
But that is something totally different from what you were asking before, and, if this can be achieved so easily in VB using a radio button, why not use a radio button for this in Cocoa ?

there doesn't seem to be a radio button object for cocoa touch at least it does not show one in my object library menu. the next best thing would be the segmented control. it would be ideal to use a list menu but again it does not show a list menu in the object library menu. i was also thinking some kind of context menu on a 2 finger touch would be ideal. but again i don't see a context menu in my object library menu
there doesn't seem to be a radio button object for cocoa touch at least it does not show one in my object library menu. the next best thing would be the segmented control. it would be ideal to use a list menu but again it does not show a list menu in the object library menu. i was also thinking some kind of context menu on a 2 finger touch would be ideal. but again i don't see a context menu in my object library menu

For list menu you can use a picker object.

Segmented control would be another way to go, I guess...

something like :

        UISegmentedControl *soundControl = [ [ UISegmentedControl alloc ] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(16, 16, 128, 32) ];
       [ soundControl insertSegmentWithTitle: @"Sounds1" atIndex: 0 animated: NO ];
       [ soundControl insertSegmentWithTitle: @"Sounds2" atIndex: 1 animated: NO ];
       [ soundControl insertSegmentWithTitle: @"Sounds3" atIndex: 2 animated: NO ];
       soundControl.selectedSegmentIndex = 0;

       [soundControl addTarget:self action:@selector(optionChanged:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];

Now, in optionChanged: you could change the actions of the buttons, or in the action method of the button you could check the currently selected index of the UISegmentedControl and base your action on that (like your vb example) (This here below assumes you have access to your soundControl control) :

- (void) buttonClicked:(id) sender {
 if (soundControl.selectedSegmentIndex == 0) {
  NSLog(@"Sounds 1 selected");
 if (soundControl.selectedSegmentIndex == 1) {
  NSLog(@"Sounds 2 selected");
 if (soundControl.selectedSegmentIndex == 2) {
  NSLog(@"Sounds 3 selected");


I think... or something close to that (I probably messed up some stuff in there, but it's an idea).
The closest thing in Cocoa Touch to a radio button is a UISwitch.

But back to the OP, if you want each button to invoke one of three different sounds, I would also suggest using a segmented control (with three options).
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