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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 30, 2008
New Jersey
So a coworker found an iPad at the airport and he wants to sell it. I was wondering if this would be a good idea to buy it from him? It seems as if the 3G is still active and I would want to somehow cancel that and sign up for 3G myself.

Would this be possible since it was lost?

It's a 64 3G and I'll be buying it for like 450

So a friend at work found an iPad at the airport and he wants to sell it. I was wondering if this would be a good idea to buy it from him? It seems as if the 3G is still active and I would want to somehow cancel that and sign up for 3G myself.

Would this be possible since it was lost?

It's a 64 3G and I'll be buying it for like 450



Don't buy it and tell your friend to bring it to an Apple Store.


Don't buy it and tell your friend to bring it to an Apple Store.

hahah that's what i told him when he told me how he found it.. i was like wouldn't you be scared to get on the plane after you found it?

I own a macbook and an iPhone 4, and always wanted an iPad, but not for 800. So if I get it for this price it's worth it and I can always resell and make some extra money.. I just don't know how the 3G service works
Wow, just wow. How would you feel if you lost your macbook and no one bothered to try and return it?
DO what you want, you're not going to listen to anyone here who tells you to do the right thing.
I wasn't the one who found it if I was I would've returned it. My friend on the other hand wasn't gonna return it and said whoever owns it lives in TX.

What do you want me to do buy it off of him and then somehow found the owner ?
saccento said:
I wasn't the one who found it if I was I would've returned it. My friend on the other hand wasn't gonna return it and said whoever owns it lives in TX.

What do you want me to do buy it off of him and then somehow found the owner ?

If you buy it from your thieving friend, both you and he will be taking advantage of the poor fellow who lost it. It sounds like your good friend has even been able to identify the owner. Sheesh!
Maybe you can buy it for $450 and hold it for ransom and make a tidy profit from someone desperate to recover their data. I think there's a font that looks like letters cut out from magazines that you could use for the ransom note.

Snark mode off, I'm not sure this is different than receiving any other type of stolen goods. If it's interstate, which it sounds like it is, it might be a federal crime. Yay! Whether or not you want to convince your friend to turn it in, why would you want to get involved in that?
okay well i told him to try to contact the owner and he wiped it clean so theres nothing on it.

i won't buy it though
return it

if the guy finds out where it is he can put ur friend in jail for stealing!!! id return it... the guy can track his ipad with the "mobile me" thing... so i wouldnt risk it coz i wouldnt want to go to jail
Your pathetic attempts to try to justify this are just that, pathetic. Perhaps you need some new friends, I wouldn't tolerate any of my friends being a thief. On top of that, he is trying to make a profit from you for something he found, what a good friend indeed.
Buy it and then restore it. After that, you can set it up as a new iPad and you can subscribe to AT&T.

$450 is a steal - get it before you regret it.
similar thing happened not to long ago, the guy who found it is going to jail

the 3G models have GPS so they can track it
thanks for the info guys. although I don't know how it would be considered stealing if he found the damn thing. if he handed it in on the airport I'm sure it wouldn't have gotten into the owners hands anyway.

But hey, it's not like I found it. I've just been wanting one and figured it was a steal of a price.
thanks for the info guys. although I don't know how it would be considered stealing if he found the damn thing. if he handed it in on the airport I'm sure it wouldn't have gotten into the owners hands anyway.

But hey, it's not like I found it. I've just been wanting one and figured it was a steal of a price.

It would behoove you to refer to the missing iPhone as featured by Gizmodo. Finding something does not necessarily mean the finder has ownership right. Should the finder not have ownership right, he has no right to sell it. Should he sell it with no right, he is selling stolen property and you are guilty of buying a stolen good.
If your coworker is so dishonest that he wouldn't try to return the iPad to it's rightful owner I wouldn't bother trusting him myself. Do the right thing.
So a coworker found an iPad at the airport and he wants to sell it. I was wondering if this would be a good idea to buy it from him? It seems as if the 3G is still active and I would want to somehow cancel that and sign up for 3G myself.

I don't know where you were when all the news were full with the lost/found/not returned/stolen iPhone prototype, but by not returning it to either the owner or the police, your coworker is committing theft. Depending on where you are, you would be either buying stolen goods, or committing theft yourself (that would be in New York, where you have six months after lost goods enter your possession to return them to the owner or the police, and after that it is a felony).

I wasn't the one who found it if I was I would've returned it. My friend on the other hand wasn't gonna return it and said whoever owns it lives in TX.

What do you want me to do buy it off of him and then somehow found the owner ?

He is your coworker you said. In my company, if anybody found that I bought stolen goods from a coworker, I would be in deep, deep ****. An iPhone isn't worth losing your job over.
Losing your job could be the least of your worries. In many states what he is proposing to do is considered theft. Google Jason Chen to see what California thinks of this. Other states have similar laws. Therefore you could not only lose your job but go to jail as well.

I would also find a better class of people to hang around with. Your 'friend' is no real friend.
Isn't receiving stolen goods an offence?

If he found it and kept it then that is effectively theft.
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