Should I buy an iMac?
Should I buy an iMac?
Hehe well you are a cheerful bunch aren't you
Well here's the deal. I've the money, yes. I need a home computer to be used for work (software development) and some fun (occasional gaming). I have a HTPC ( ) hooked up to 50' plasma used as media centre, so I've got all my movies/music/gaming needs covered.
At this point I'm looking into several options:
1) get an iMac
2) get a powerful notebook with docking bay and 24' monitor
3) build a new PC system
What I like about iMac is that it contains a fairly powerful system in a very compact and aestetically appealing package. I do not care much for OSX - have tried it in VMWare and was not particulary impressed with it.
The drawbacks with Macs seem to be problems with the screen, apple's unpredictable release schedule and most importantly lack of upgrade options. If anything dies beyond warranty period, well, you've got a pretty aluminium and glass piece of furniture decoration then, LOL.
I'm looking at the highest-specc:ed model, in Scandinavia, Sweden. The problem is that I've really looked around and still haven't found a computer system that is equally compact, elegant and powerfull. Dell's latest offerings don't appeal to me at all and Sony doesn't seem to be making desktops...
BTW: is there a serial port in iMac?
why not build a hackintosh
does USB count for a serial port ?
You've played with OS X as a virtual machine? Then you haven't seen OS X... It is by far the best operating system. Besides if you don't like it you can just run Windows Vista on it instead, or together.
Nope, if you're specifically looking for a serial port. An adapter will help.
Hehe, the best (real-time) OS in the world is OSE, but only because I'm working on it.
I didn't say I didn't like OS X, it just didn't, eh, "sparkle" with me. I'm sure it's a wonderful environment to work in. I, however, am quite used to Windows/Linux/Solaris and so the OS is not really a selling point for me. I just want the hardware. I wish there were more products competing with iMac so that we could have a choice...
What really excites me about mac is this:
I already have a system similar to the one on the right. I really want something that's as compact and clutterfree as the one on the left.
I feel very ambivalent at this point, and so the question, as subjective as it is, remains unanswered: should I buy an iMac?
...I just don't like the way Apple finds it that they need to upgrade every 6 months and somehow find that fair to the consumer that just paid $2300+ for a desktop/notebook...
Suggest option#2 a MacBook Pro. You can get an additional external display if you want more screen real estate.
I considered getting a MacBook + LG W2600HP-BF. MacBook Pro is butt ugly and features allegedly faulty nVidia graphics. It seems an update to the notebooks may come soon so perhaps it is be wise to wait a little...
I have a few more questions:
1. My understanding is that BootCamp allows installing of WinXP. Does Windows then run natively or thru vitualization/emulation of sorts?
2. How fast does Windows run if installed on an iMac?
3. Is it possible to switch between WinXP and OS X instantly or does one have to reboot?
7. What about file sharing between OSes - can OS X read/write NTFS. Does BootCamp provide a driver for WinXP to access OS X's HFS partition?
91. Out of the box, OS X doesn't seem to have gcc installed. Do I have to download and install XCode manually?
106. 24' iMac comes with a S-IPS panel, right?
388. And of course a question that has been puzzling the scietific community since the beginning of time: How the bloody hell do hedgehogs really do it?!
1. My understanding is that BootCamp allows installing of WinXP. Does Windows then run natively or thru vitualization/emulation of sorts?
3. Is it possible to switch between WinXP and OS X instantly or does one have to reboot?
7. What about file sharing between OSes - can OS X read/write NTFS. Does BootCamp provide a driver for WinXP to access OS X's HFS partition?
91. Out of the box, OS X doesn't seem to have gcc installed. Do I have to download and install XCode manually?
388. And of course a question that has been puzzling the scietific community since the beginning of time: How the bloody hell do hedgehogs really do it?!
How about the 20" with 2.66ghz ?
Have planned to buy it.
I probably willJust buy the thing already!
Sperm teleportation. Quite simple.