My nephew wants Apple TV for his BD this weekend. Should I get it now? Don't know anything about it and keep hearing about a possible update. Thanks.
My nephew wants Apple TV for his BD this weekend. Should I get it now? Don't know anything about it and keep hearing about a possible update. Thanks.
My nephew wants Apple TV for his BD this weekend. Should I get it now? Don't know anything about it and keep hearing about a possible update. Thanks.
Even if it does get updated, the old model will get the new software anyway.
what makes you so sure?
iPhone v1 can't MMS...
Sure there is. Eventually old hardware gets phased out. Not necessarily completely, but apple won't dedicate the time to code new features into old models - especially when (I'm assuming) there won't be much of a hardware change from this appletv to the next one. They have to give current users a reason to upgrade.
The only way Apple makes any type of substantial profit on this device is through video rentals and iTunes content. Really, it's the first attempt in a long while at trying to create an income stream that isn't centered around selling hardware.