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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006
Long Beach, CA
I was all set on buying a Rebel XTi sometime within the next week for my trip to Yellowstone over Xmas. Until stumbling upon an article, stating that the XTi is most likely going to be replaced next month. I know it's just speculation, but Canon has been on a pretty straight 18 month cycle. I currently have a dying P&S, and some film SLR's, but shooting film is absolute LAST resort. Is there a place I can rent a cheap dSLR for a week?? The new speculated features sound great! (Larger screen, and Live Preview especially.)

I figure these are my options:

1) Buy the XTi and deal with it!

2) Buy the XTi, at a retailer w/ a good return policy and take it back after a week :D. (Where) :confused:

3) Buy the XTi, then sell at "x" loss, and buy the "500D" when announced.

4) Wait for the "500D" because it will be awesome, and come with the new IS lens! It will be worth the wait, the P&S will have to do for Yellowstone.

5) Rent a dSLR for a week. Then buy the "500D" when announced.
Any input on what is the best, or what you would do, would be great.

Pretty much trying to find the smartest, hopefully cost-effective way.

Thanks for the help!


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006
Long Beach, CA
Hmm, I suppose you are right, not much.

Mainly the IS kit lens, the larger screen, and live preview. It's just that it's so close :( Plus the XTi will see significant price drops after it is replaced. I'm thinking of going for option 2, at costco, where I can then buy the replacement after it is announced. It's only that one week that I can see myself really using it, during the next three months. It seems rental is ~$100 a week. Although somewhat reasonable, I don't think it's worth the price.


macrumors member
Aug 5, 2007
Costco is very good about returns from my experience. Do you have the Costco AmEx? It might be worth it in this case. I haven't looked into the specifics about my American Express's cardholder benefits, but isn't there some kind of technology guarantee? Maybe if you have the Costco AmEx, you'd be doubly protected. If you are a member of Costco, and if you had an AmEx card, you'd be paying a premium for the benefits and protections of both up-front, so I don't see anything wrong with using an excellent return policy.

Besides, since you don't really know what's going to happen to the XTi, maybe you'll decide after a vacation and the release of its successor that the XTi will be more than adequate for your purposes.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
CI haven't looked into the specifics about my American Express's cardholder benefits, but isn't there some kind of technology guarantee?

Costco's guarantee specifically gives you a lifetime guarantee against dissatisfaction due to problems with the product. There is no "technology guarantee" in their cardmember agreement (yes I'm a member), or in any other credit card's terms for that matter. That sounds like one of those silly self-justifying notions someone interested in gaming the system might come up with.

Costco has announced this past year that they're getting somewhat more discriminating about returns specifically due to people taking unfair advantage of their policies in the past.

American Express does offer accidental damage coverage; or at least they did. But that's obviously completely different.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Hmm, I suppose you are right, not much.

Mainly the IS kit lens, the larger screen, and live preview. It's just that it's so close :( Plus the XTi will see significant price drops after it is replaced. I'm thinking of going for option 2, at costco, where I can then buy the replacement after it is announced. It's only that one week that I can see myself really using it, during the next three months. It seems rental is ~$100 a week. Although somewhat reasonable, I don't think it's worth the price.

So you'd rather defraud Costco than pay $100 to be honest? I think that says a lot about your character, and it's not good.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006
Long Beach, CA
Yea, I guess the XTi will suit me fine. I would like to buy from costco still, incase something does go wrong, but it seems they only sell it with the Kit lens. I was wanting the Canon 18-55mm IS.

Is the the Kit lens really as bad as everyone says? Or should I just buy the body+IS Lens from B&H?? I already have a 28-200mm Quantary, but I don't think it is wide enough after the 1.6x of the imager (plus it is not EF-S, so idk if it will work right.)

My only concern is that B&H only gives a 2 day return for damaged items. If the camera acts up after the 2 days, is there any warranty through canon?


macrumors 6502
Jan 10, 2006
Costco's guarantee specifically gives you a lifetime guarantee against dissatisfaction due to problems with the product. There is no "technology guarantee" in their cardmember agreement (yes I'm a member), or in any other credit card's terms for that matter. That sounds like one of those silly self-justifying notions someone interested in gaming the system might come up with.

Costco has announced this past year that they're getting somewhat more discriminating about returns specifically due to people taking unfair advantage of their policies in the past.

American Express does offer accidental damage coverage; or at least they did. But that's obviously completely different.

Do a search, CostCo changed it's policy in response to people returning big screen TV's since models get updated/obsolete every 6 months or so. Now for computers, TVs, camcorders and still cameras it's a 90-day limitation. You are not 'cheating' anything with CostCo. If they have a policy that allows you to return for any reason of disastisfaction, then go for it. Any attorney in their right mind (well except those with really conservative ideologies) would do and tell you the same.

Buy the XTi now from CostCo, and then return it within 90 days if you don't like it. Be warned though, just because Canon annouces an upgrade or another model in January at CES, doesn't mean CostCo will get that product instock anytime soon. They may take 1/2 a year before they get that new model in stock, then you're screwed :).


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
Buy a camera. Get off the consumer treadmill. Relax. Take some photos. Enjoy... :)

There'll always be something better on offer in a few weeks or months (or something the manufacturer *tells* you is better).


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Any attorney in their right mind (well except those with really conservative ideologies) would do and tell you the same.

Is it really your contention that someone who openly admits to planning their purchasing in order to use and return a product prior to their purchase, simply because they don't actually want the product they'd use would be given actual legal advice by a practicing attorney that such behavior wouldn't constitute a fraudulent purchase?

Maybe your idea of "right mind" and mine differ. Certainly, your idea of right and mine differ. Regardless, it's immoral, however my non-lawyerly opinion is that it's also outright fraudulent.

Wikipedia says:

In criminal law, fraud is the crime or offense of deliberately deceiving another in order to damage them – usually, to obtain property or services unjustly.

In my book, "purchasing" an item to use and return, and denies the merchant a new product and forces them to sell their merchandise at a loss over new as "used" damages them. Since it's pre-meditated, "deliberately" is covered, and since the perpetrator would gain from having use of the camera, you cover the perpetrator gaining from their actions.

Finally everyone who shops at that merchant bears the costs of such actions. The more that it's done, the more the merchants restrict legitimate returns and the higher prices are for everyone.


macrumors 65816
Oct 4, 2007
Rather than screwing someone just do what I did.

Long story short I was out of town and needed a decent SLR in an emergency and didn't have one. I went to a local camera shop and bought whatever was the best value (on sale) at the time, the additional lens I needed, a strobe, extra battery, filter, and simple case that would hold it all.

I used it for two weeks then sold it all on ebay for a loss of less than $100. Not a bad "rental" fee for almost $2000 worth of equipment.

I had some mild heartburn as the brand I could get the best deal on was not one I was overly familiar with using, but that's not that big a deal.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 10, 2006
I think there is a discrepancy between what people "can" do and what you "should" do. At Costco, you "could" say you didn't like it and return it, even if you planned to do that all along and never intended to keep it.

Basically all that does is drive up business costs and forces the rest of us to pay higher prices in the long run.

So, if you are going to be an idiot and do something that is immoral, don't post about it. Just like you wouldn't post something saying you are going to give a copy of Leopard to all of your friends because you don't have to register it.

Pull your head out of where the sun don't shine and treat businesses just like you would want you to be treated. It's the Golden Rule, and it will serve you well in life if you follow it.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I think there is a discrepancy between what people "can" do and what you "should" do. At Costco, you "could" say you didn't like it and return it, even if you planned to do that all along and never intended to keep it.
Exactly. And the people who openly take advantage of Costco's once generous return policy can be thanked for the changes whereby their policy while still good, is not great.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 8, 2006
Long Beach, CA
Okay, as I have said in my last post, I'm not about to "scam" Costco, I still have a few quick questions:

1) Is the Kit Lens terrible as everyone says? (Costco only sells it with the Kit AFAIK, I will be satisfied w/ the XTi, but would like to take advantage of their return policy incase something does go wrong.)

2) If the kit lens is that bad, I will buy the body + Canon 18-55mm IS, B&H only has a 2 day damage policy, is there a warranty through canon?

3) Will my flim Quantaray 28-200mm lens work with the XTi? It is only EF, and not EF-S.

Thanks for the help all ;)


macrumors regular
Jun 1, 2006
I don't want to start a debate here:D, but I don't see this as "scamming" Costco or not; it's about exercising your right as a consumer through a sales policy that Costco decided to implement. I am sure they are fully aware of the possible consequences of such a policy, but as long as they continue to have it, I don't see any problem with utilizing this policy as a consumer.

Often on public forums, I see people all too willing to hand out life lessons and questioning other members' moral values, all while patting themselves on the back. This is something I've never necessarily agreed with.

With that said, I personally wouldn't buy a camera knowing 100% that I would return it. If there was a 10% chance I'd keep it after buying it, it may be a different story as this is what said return policies were designed for.


macrumors 68000
Feb 12, 2005
Caracas, Venezuela
1) Is the Kit Lens terrible as everyone says? (Costco only sells it with the Kit AFAIK, I will be satisfied w/ the XTi, but would like to take advantage of their return policy incase something does go wrong.)
2) If the kit lens is that bad, I will buy the body + Canon 18-55mm IS, B&H only has a 2 day damage policy, is there a warranty through canon?

The kit lens is average. I just got my XTi last Tuesday (I don't regret it one bit :D), and the pics aren't spectacular like they are with other lenses, particularly people shots. They come up as soft, even when stopped down and with a decent shutter speed (1/200-1/400 sec). I've gotten exceptions like this one, but I generally have to sharpen a fair bit in PP. I haven't used the IS lens (or any other lens, for that matter - still waiting for my 100mm macro), so I have nothing to compare it to.

3) Will my flim Quantaray 28-200mm lens work with the XTi? It is only EF, and not EF-S.

Yeah, the XTi accepts both EF and EF-S lenses :)


macrumors newbie
Sep 28, 2007
I think you can just pay attention to them,if you can find something you really like you can buy it , if not just wait for a while.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Okay, as I have said in my last post, I'm not about to "scam" Costco, I still have a few quick questions:

1) Is the Kit Lens terrible as everyone says? (Costco only sells it with the Kit AFAIK, I will be satisfied w/ the XTi, but would like to take advantage of their return policy incase something does go wrong.)

2) If the kit lens is that bad, I will buy the body + Canon 18-55mm IS, B&H only has a 2 day damage policy, is there a warranty through canon?

If you wait, you'll probably get the new kit 18-55 mm IS kit lens for free. It is a sharp, fantastic lens. I'd wait. People here are recommending that you just buy now. Why pay for a soon-to-be-outdated camera with a crappy kit lens? Just wait 2 months and get a better camera with a much better kit lens.

With computers, I generally tell people to buy what they need, when they need it. That's always my advice unless you're certain an upgrade is coming in like 1 month. Unless you need it, you can wait.

With cameras, the situation is different. Firstly, unless you need it to make money as a career, you don't need a camera. Secondly, the upgrade cycle of cameras is 18-24 months, not 3-6 months like it is with computers. I think that if you know a camera will be announced at a particular show (with a definitive date), and it'll include a better kit lens, then a 2-3 month wait isn't bad.

If the initial price of this camera is too high for you, then you can still buy the 400D/XTi and save even more money!


macrumors 6502
May 15, 2006
Yep I was too already to get a XTi with some lens but just decided to wait until PMA 2k8.

But of corse I will probably change my mind and not get a camera when the new ultra portable laptops come out.
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