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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 11, 2009
I am going to buy a 24'' iMac, but what are the odds of a product refresh or redesign in June? The iMac updates in March were minor. I really don't want to drop $2300 and have them release a Quad core iMac next month. :confused:
please use the search function here on MR. there are about 100 other threads talking about 'buy now or wait' especially for the iMac.

June (if you have read the forums) is the period when they usually refresh the iPhone.

go ahead and look at their product cycle.

there have been many debates on this subject so MRoogle it or Google it

IMO go ahead and buy now unless you want to wait another 6 or 7 months
I am sort of in the same boat. Want to get an iMac or 'maybe' a Mac Pro for the quad / octa core and expandability. I doubt there will be an iMac update in June as the other person already mention usually that is not their product cycle (and way too soon just after a refresh), iMac updates could come in fall / end of year, which for me is still not worth it to buy it now if there really would be one coming this fall or end of year (given how small the last update was...)

Plus for me the chance of an iMac with a quad core proc is worth the wait. If you really need a machine now and need to get work done with it, then I say you can still get the latest iMac right now.. if you really need it. But if you can hold out, maybe wait and see (knowing!! there might not be an update that soon OR there wouldn't be a big update like quad core.. etc either if there was one)
It just seems that by next Fall the iMac will be behind in terms of processor power. Wouldn't it be smart for them to unveil Snow Leopard with a faster iMac in June?
One thing, do you really need that extra power?

It took almost half year from first rumors to the update last time so in my opinion don't wait. Of course you can keep waiting and waiting but with that logic you should never buy anything because it's possible that the price will go down or it'll get an update.
Unless you have to, I wouldn't buy in June even if they did upgrade the iMac. I'm waiting for mobile Nehalem, which will upgrade everything except the Mac Pro.
Too close.

It just seems that by next Fall the iMac will be behind in terms of processor power. Wouldn't it be smart for them to unveil Snow Leopard with a faster iMac in June?

It's just too close for a refresh. If they do a refresh this year (a took a year for this refresh), it will be in the fall. Snow most likely will not be out until Sept or Oct. June is just going to show the new iPhone and what has been done to Snow.


Such a great tool . . . .
You could always wait for the next update. Best rule is buy now if it does what you need and it has been updated recently (Last few months) as apple is more unlikely to upgrade at less than about 6 monthly intervals.
What's Intel's roadmap on Mobile Nehalem processors?

Obviously Apple can't release an updated iMac until Intel themselves release an updated CPU ;)

From Wikipedia:

Previously there was speculation that the 65 W low-power Penryn desktop quad-cores would end up in the early 2009 iMac model. While this did not eventuate, Lynnfield (95 W at Q3 2009 release) will have lower-power variants in early 2010 which may be low-power enough to fit in the iMac.
Who knows, perhaps we will finally seen an imac with desktop components. As it is now, it cannot compete.

Apple released the last imac g5 in december 2005, and then went on to release the intel platform in january 2006, so I see no reason why the march update could not be considered a bridge update as well.
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