I ordered an intel imac about 3 weeks ago and when it turned up it was noisy and had a chip out of the plastic so it went back and a replacement came. The replacement came and it was so quiet when it was idle, just like my G5 when that is idle, the problem was that this was also faulty. It had a black mark on the screen, so again apple swapped it. The 3rd one turned up today and yes you have guessed it, it too was faulty. The plastic casing was not attached to the tft properly, i could actually pull the plastic away from the screen, and this was at the sides and the bottom but the bottom was really the wost part just by the logo. It was silent though like the second imac, i would just like to point out that 2 of the 3 imacs were silent and 1 was making a horid noise. I just wanted to mention the noise part as i have read about people having noisy intel imacs. Anyway back to the point, since this 3rd intel imac is going to have to go back, should i keep my 2.0ghz G5 and wait until the next version of the intel imac comes out or just get the one that is out now. And does anyone have any idea or speculation on when the next revision of the intel imac will be out.