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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 24, 2009
Orlando, Florida
I just went to best buy and they had an old apple tv (previous gen) so I bought it. I already had one but do to the lack of internal storage, I figured why not....use as spare and for my bedroom.

BUT, it looks like it was opened and returned. Does anyone know where I can get the pervious gen apple tv new? There has to be some around.
I figured the demand would be high. I mean they just removed the main feature. Personally I think it is so your computer runs down then you have to buy a new one.

It was iPod for your tv...that is what I wanted. Now I am starting to buy my movies on blu-ray anyways since I have an awesome tv and such.
Personnally, I think the old atv is better in many regards, but as they handle the iTunes data differently, I need to standardise on one or the other. And as my iTunes Library is around 4Tb, the internal hdd does nothing for me.
Lol, Well, I am not up to four TB. That has be expensive to maintain and backup all that data. Mine is around 300gb but I pick and choose what goes on my apple favorite movies. My iMac only has a 2TB hard drive and an external 2tb for backup and anything else. With that kind of library you would have to have a drobo. Very impressive
Lol, Well, I am not up to four TB. That has be expensive to maintain and backup all that data. Mine is around 300gb but I pick and choose what goes on my apple favorite movies. My iMac only has a 2TB hard drive and an external 2tb for backup and anything else. With that kind of library you would have to have a drobo. Very impressive

Picked it in one. I do have the Drobo. And since Ive started the shift the BRays and ripping them, its now screaming at me that Im low on space. Times approaching to change the 4 drives up to 2TB versions. After that, I'll have be more selective about what I keep on it. Drobos are to expensive to get a second one.

As for backing up....whats that?? :D Actually....I do have partial backup with a WD 2Tb drive holding most movies and TV Shows, and I use a couple of 2.5" drives for my data and music. Not the prettiest solution, but its working. And these are all in a different location.
Well, i am sure you drobo takes care of most of the backup stuff. I have my parents house connected with site to site VPN. Thinking of putting a server over there for back up as well.

I want a drobo as well. Want one for my server running vmware using iSCSI. But being single with a mortgage, little difficult to splurge on that stuff. Maybe some time in the future.
I just went to best buy and they had an old apple tv (previous gen) so I bought it. I already had one but do to the lack of internal storage, I figured why not....use as spare and for my bedroom.

BUT, it looks like it was opened and returned. Does anyone know where I can get the pervious gen apple tv new? There has to be some around.

Try the Apple Store Refurb section for $129. Same warranty as new. You can even add AppleCare for $29.
How do you get to the refurb section of their store? Don't see a link anywhere for it unless I am just blind, which is probably true.
How do you get to the refurb section of their store? Don't see a link anywhere for it unless I am just blind, which is probably true.

From the Apple Store scroll down and look at the lower left for Special Deals/Refurbished Mac. BTW, brand new ones are also available for $149.
Amazon has them too. I'm thinking of getting one soon.

I posted a question in another thread, I was wondering if the old Apple TV has a Netflix interface. If it does, I'm getting one asap.
Amazon has them too. I'm thinking of getting one soon.

I posted a question in another thread, I was wondering if the old Apple TV has a Netflix interface. If it does, I'm getting one asap.

Amazon has them too. I'm thinking of getting one soon.

I posted a question in another thread, I was wondering if the old Apple TV has a Netflix interface. If it does, I'm getting one asap.

There are basically 2 things the new ATV has that the older ones do not:

1. Netflix
2. The ability to rent TV shows

If you really need or desire either of those on your ATV, you are stuck with the new version.

In just about every other regard, the old apple tv is superior to the new one (hard drive, sync or stream, purchase tv and movies from the couch, rent movies...mature hacking community...etc)
Personnally, I think the old atv is better in many regards, but as they handle the iTunes data differently, I need to standardise on one or the other. And as my iTunes Library is around 4Tb, the internal hdd does nothing for me.

Ignoring the probable App Store and the ability to handle the occasional 29.xxxx fps file, the new version won't work for me within my home theater because there is no analog out for a 2nd zone. If I can't upgrade the unit in my home theater, there's no point in upgrading elsewhere in the house.

Given that the only change to the old unit took an age, and was an increase in the capacity of the HDD, i.e. not a physical design change, just a component upgrade, I'm not expecting an ATV2 with an analog out any time soon, if ever. I think it's a major oversight on the part of Apple, but it's not like they have a history of jumping on such things and sorting out the problem. They typically blame the user for "holding it wrong".
For ATV1 users.....has there been any discussion/confirmation if it could be updated to include Netflix mirroring ATV2's Netflix UI?
The hackers tried and tried to get NetFlix to work on the original AppleTV. I'm pretty sure they concluded it doesn't have the horsepower required.
The hackers tried and tried to get NetFlix to work on the original AppleTV. I'm pretty sure they concluded it doesn't have the horsepower required.

I wish it were a different story....but you're right. The folks over at aTV Flash/Firecore confirmed the horse power just isn't there with ATV1 to run Silverlight which is a requirement for Netflix to operate. Bummer!
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