I just agreed to a pt contract job. Not much money in it. I'll have to use the internet to access a cloud program to do the paperwork for the job. I don't want to use my own laptop because I won't mix my personal machine with business.
I know Mac so I can troubleshoot it. But all I want to do is access that program which is on the web and print my paperwork from that program. Can I buy a cheap Chromebook to do that? If so, how cheap a Chromebook? I don't know anything about PC anymore.
I might need Word on that PC too.
Thanks a lot.
I know Mac so I can troubleshoot it. But all I want to do is access that program which is on the web and print my paperwork from that program. Can I buy a cheap Chromebook to do that? If so, how cheap a Chromebook? I don't know anything about PC anymore.
I might need Word on that PC too.
Thanks a lot.