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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 29, 2005
hey guys, i am switching from pc to mac. and i am going to be getting the MBP, i was going to get it early in the year, but i thought about waiting till WWDC, and for intel to release merom, So i think that i will be buying in the next two months or so

But a couple of questions that i had, is about the SuperDrive (DVD±RW/CD-RW), does anyone think, that with the next update, they will support the dual layer, or blue ray, becuase i think that is where the market is going. The current drive is soon to be old news.

Also, i read this story over at that is about MRAM, new technology, and supposedly start at 4gig, and can be increased with the technology increase ( And i was wondering if anyone thought that the next update for the MBP will include support for this ?
Hi there...

Just had a quick look on the Apple store/uk... and the 17" MBP has a dual layer super drive. I'm sure at some point in the future they will all have one... I think my iMac G5 iSight has a dual layer drive in it :)
The MacBook and MacBook Pro 15" use a thinner drive then the older machine. The iMac has had the x8 Dual Layer since last year.

I agree with waiting for WWDC.
Agreed that you should wait for WWDC as it is so close. For the wait, I bet you will get a 64-bit Merom-based system.
You think the market is going towards Blu-Ray? It's far too early to tell and as far as I know HD-DVD was first to the market with their toshiba player...

It would not be wise to implement a Blu-ray player in the MBP's since the market hasn't determined a clear winner in the batttle between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. I would imagine if anything that APPLE, givin the choice, would chose HD-DVD since it is backwards compatible with regular DVD discs. My .02.
i think we are still a year away or more from blue-ray or DVD-HD in a laptop
(although steve will continue to amaze us)

and if you read about something under 'new tech'
plan on it being 'newer than you can buy' for a lil bit here

i think the general consensus is that we should not see macbook pro's @ WWDC - but instead- we will see an upgraded powermac - so like an intelmac desktop machine- at the pro level

this machine- will be the first apple to have blue-ray or DVD-HD
however- i'd be very surprised (again) if that was in this current edition of a mac -- just b/c the tech is so new and also no one has decided what the 'standard' will be yet
First off, congrats on your decision to make the switch :D

Second, since we are so close to WWDC, I suggest that you wait to see what (if anything) is announced with regards to MBP updates.

BAspecialCake said:
. I would imagine if anything that APPLE, givin the choice, would chose HD-DVD since it is backwards compatible with regular DVD discs. My .02.

i thought that blu-ray was also backwards compatible with regular DVDs. And Apple supported sony in the development of blu-ray, so why wouldn't they implement blu ray into their computers?

Blu ray backers
gallagb said:
i think we are still a year away or more from blue-ray or DVD-HD in a laptop
(although steve will continue to amaze us)

Yes, the absence of a dual layer DVD burner in a $2000 laptop really amazed me.
thanks for all the replies. I was planning on getting the MBP 15", and i am very excited to getting my first mac, everyone i talked to so far says that they are amazing.

generik - it to amazes me why there is no a DL drive in there.

I wasnt specifically saying that there should be blue-ray in there, but i have been hearing talk over the past year, and a lot over the past month's, about hd, or blue-ray drives. was thinking that they would be released soon. I agree with most of you, and will wait till WWDC, see what happens, as MWSF was amazing this year.

I was also planning on waiting for the merom chip, since i heard it to be coming out in august. Hopefully it will the MBP will get the upgrade at WWDC. If so, i will be pulling out the credit card right after WWDC :)
Several companies have begun developing players than can read (and I believe write) both HD formats, Blue-Ray, and HD-DVD. That's something to look for in upcoming months. However, any HD drive is going to add a significant premium to the price of the notebook, typically in the range of $500-$600 dollars. Now, I don't know about you, but DVD's suit me just fine for now and I certainly won't be purchasing a HD drive until either a) one of the HD formats emerges as the clear victor, or b) dual-format drives become commonplace, as they have with DVD burners (+/-). Scenario A is unlikely for at least the upcoming 6-12 months but B is a strong possibility if the technology is cheap enough to produce. As is almost always the case, as long as the form factor of the computer remains constant, it should be possible to upgrade the optical drive with a later model, such as one supporting one or both of the HD formats.
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