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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 3, 2010
My home system has been a mid-2015 MBP 15" in clamshell mode with an old DellU2711 monitor, rarely using the laptop as a portable device. Office system is Windows based but we are completely Apple-based on home.

Post COVID, I'm now mostly remote, permanently, and am considering trading in the MBP and converting to a Mini or iMac. Have never had an Mac desktop. I run a ScanSnap and two HP LaserJet printers via USB (wireless operation isn't 100% reliable at home). I log into my office Windows system remotely and do everything through that.

I need whatever monitor would be best for eye fatigue. A few months ago I purchased an LG widescreen, but have realized the extra horizontal space is wasted for my use. My husband will gladly take it. My boss has now offered to pay for a new monitor (under say $400). I haven't had trouble with by laptop overheating, but understand that could be an issue with newer monitors.

From what I've read here, it looks like either a Mini or iMac would be sufficient for my needs - online research and drafting/editing/printing documents in Word/Adobe through my remote desktop (heavy PDF use with large files). But the limited Mini ports means I can't eliminate using a hub. I think the 27" iMac is beautiful, but then I can't take advantage of my boss's contribution.

Anyone else made a switch like this? Thank you for any advice.
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