Hey there everyone,
I've been having a dilemma for the past few months. Currently I own a 2008 8 core 2.8GHz Mac Pro with a Radeon 2600 and 8GB of RAM. I have been wanting to upgrade it for a couple years now as I am throwing a lot more at it these days than I did when I bought it, but I have been dissatisfied with apple's professional offerings for some time now (obviously). I am a photographer, printer, video editor and graphic designer and I use Lightroom, Photoshop, InDesign and FCP7 on a near daily basis. Lately, I have been monitoring activity monitor very closely and am very dissatisfied with what I am seeing. Photoshop and Lightroom both use all of my available RAM with nearly every task. My Swap tends to be around 3-4GB on average and often I cannot print from photoshop due to lack of free RAM. In Lightroom, my most common task is converting hundreds of CR2 files to DNG. When dealing with over 2000 files (as I often do) the process takes multiple hours and uses well over 600% of my processing power. As you can see, I need high performance. Time is money.
Here is my dilemma:
I have been holding out to buy the "new" mac pro model for a couple of years now, but it just won't come. Now we know from Tim Cook himself that there will (hopefully) be a new Mac Pro in 2013 and at this point, I just want to wait for that upgrade. But my current machine is slowing down daily and I am really starting to feel the burden from my lack of power. I really can't wait another year to upgrade. I've been toying with the idea of upgrading to 32GB of RAM, throwing in a Radeon 5870 and a USB 3.0 card, and adding an SSD for system files to increase the performance of my current machine, but those upgrades will cost in excess of $1800, and I will just need a new computer in another few years anyway, and I'll have to drop another $3-4k on that. The other thing to consider is that 32GB of RAM for the 2008 model costs over $1k, while the same upgrade for a new machine would cost less than $400. At the very least, I need to upgrade my RAM. But that alone is costly for this model.
Do I:
1) Spend the money to upgrade this machine with the aforementioned parts now and try to get 2-3 more years of use out of this machine until I upgrade to the 2nd of 3rd generation of the next model that will hopefully be here next year...
2) Sell this machine (along with the other 2.8GHz 8 core Mac Pro I have sitting in sotrage right now) and buy a 3.2GHz 6 core base model and upgrade it with the parts I need from OWC (where I would buy the upgrades for my current machine as well, if I chose to go that route). This option will be somewhere in the range of $5k for the computer and upgrades. More expensive up front, but maybe not considering the life I will get out of it and the money I would otherwise spend to upgrade a machine I will be getting rid of anyways in 2-3 years?
On a side note, I currently am using dual 23" aluminum cinema displays that are approaching the end of their life and exhibiting burns and other minor issues, an absolute no-no in my line of work, so it will be necessary with either option to buy new monitors as well. I'm looking at the 27" NEC professional monitors, as well as high end Dells, but ideally, I would get one or two 27" EIZO ColorEdge monitor(s) for the benefit of hardware calibration. Does anyone have any suggestions for affordable graphic arts monitors? Obviously this extra expense will play into my ultimate decision as well, though I recognize that if I get new monitors now they will be able to migrate to my next computer.
In a perfect world where money was no object, I would upgrade this machine right now and wait until the new model comes out and buy it immediately and sell this machine. But it is not a perfect world and money IS an object, so I guess what I really need advice on is priorities. At the very least, I need to upgrade my RAM to AT LEAST 16GB. But that is expensive for this model.
Please help me prioritize! I'm so overwhelmed with all of these options and I just don't know what to do!
I've been having a dilemma for the past few months. Currently I own a 2008 8 core 2.8GHz Mac Pro with a Radeon 2600 and 8GB of RAM. I have been wanting to upgrade it for a couple years now as I am throwing a lot more at it these days than I did when I bought it, but I have been dissatisfied with apple's professional offerings for some time now (obviously). I am a photographer, printer, video editor and graphic designer and I use Lightroom, Photoshop, InDesign and FCP7 on a near daily basis. Lately, I have been monitoring activity monitor very closely and am very dissatisfied with what I am seeing. Photoshop and Lightroom both use all of my available RAM with nearly every task. My Swap tends to be around 3-4GB on average and often I cannot print from photoshop due to lack of free RAM. In Lightroom, my most common task is converting hundreds of CR2 files to DNG. When dealing with over 2000 files (as I often do) the process takes multiple hours and uses well over 600% of my processing power. As you can see, I need high performance. Time is money.
Here is my dilemma:
I have been holding out to buy the "new" mac pro model for a couple of years now, but it just won't come. Now we know from Tim Cook himself that there will (hopefully) be a new Mac Pro in 2013 and at this point, I just want to wait for that upgrade. But my current machine is slowing down daily and I am really starting to feel the burden from my lack of power. I really can't wait another year to upgrade. I've been toying with the idea of upgrading to 32GB of RAM, throwing in a Radeon 5870 and a USB 3.0 card, and adding an SSD for system files to increase the performance of my current machine, but those upgrades will cost in excess of $1800, and I will just need a new computer in another few years anyway, and I'll have to drop another $3-4k on that. The other thing to consider is that 32GB of RAM for the 2008 model costs over $1k, while the same upgrade for a new machine would cost less than $400. At the very least, I need to upgrade my RAM. But that alone is costly for this model.
Do I:
1) Spend the money to upgrade this machine with the aforementioned parts now and try to get 2-3 more years of use out of this machine until I upgrade to the 2nd of 3rd generation of the next model that will hopefully be here next year...
2) Sell this machine (along with the other 2.8GHz 8 core Mac Pro I have sitting in sotrage right now) and buy a 3.2GHz 6 core base model and upgrade it with the parts I need from OWC (where I would buy the upgrades for my current machine as well, if I chose to go that route). This option will be somewhere in the range of $5k for the computer and upgrades. More expensive up front, but maybe not considering the life I will get out of it and the money I would otherwise spend to upgrade a machine I will be getting rid of anyways in 2-3 years?
On a side note, I currently am using dual 23" aluminum cinema displays that are approaching the end of their life and exhibiting burns and other minor issues, an absolute no-no in my line of work, so it will be necessary with either option to buy new monitors as well. I'm looking at the 27" NEC professional monitors, as well as high end Dells, but ideally, I would get one or two 27" EIZO ColorEdge monitor(s) for the benefit of hardware calibration. Does anyone have any suggestions for affordable graphic arts monitors? Obviously this extra expense will play into my ultimate decision as well, though I recognize that if I get new monitors now they will be able to migrate to my next computer.
In a perfect world where money was no object, I would upgrade this machine right now and wait until the new model comes out and buy it immediately and sell this machine. But it is not a perfect world and money IS an object, so I guess what I really need advice on is priorities. At the very least, I need to upgrade my RAM to AT LEAST 16GB. But that is expensive for this model.
Please help me prioritize! I'm so overwhelmed with all of these options and I just don't know what to do!