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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 11, 2009
Northwest Indiana
Friday I will be buying a Iphone 3g. It is not jailbroke or unlocked and i was planning on doing it my self. Is there anything that i should watch out for, that would not allow me to unlock and jailbreak it?
A couple of problems here.

Most likely the phone you will be buying (if new) will have the newest software, which means it will have the newest baseband 2.30.0. This is not good, seeing as only 2.28.0 is unlockable right now.

If you're buying a used 3G that has the 2.28.0 baseband, and you do unlock it, keep in mind that AT&T and T-Mobile operate on different 3G frequencies, so 3G signal will not work on T-Mobile with the iPhone 3G. Edge, however, will work.
You won't be able to until you turn on the phone and go to Settings > General > About > and look at the Modem Firmware.
ok it is a used phone.

I will be able to check this.

Now is that something that can get updated in a software update, or is it a hardware thing
damn, ok I really hope this kid didnt update his iphone lately.

Also what do you think the chances of a fix for this coming out,

and also this kid is selling me it for 190, should i buy it anyway and sell it on ebay and buy a first generation 16gb iphone with the money.

IT is in good condition accept for a few scratches on the back
I personally would keep the 3G for the GPS, but that is just my opinion. Just make sure that you can unlock it first.
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