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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 25, 2007
I'm planning on buying a new iMac in the next few days. Do the retail Apple stores only sell the stock configurations, or can they make modifications to those?

I want to get the 24" 3.06 with the only modifications being a wireless mouse, extended keyboard, iWork family pack and Apple care. Making any of the first 3 changes on the website changes the shipping time from 24 hrs to 1-3 days. I would think all of these would be easy to do at the store, but I don't really want to head to the store to find out that if I want to buy it there I need to get the basic package without any changes.

Thanks for the help.
I think you can only do that on apple online stores because when I bought my iMac, they won't let me.:(:apple:
I think so...

Pretty sure they can switch out mouse and keyboards in the store. I seem to remember them asking if I wanted wireless or regular keyboard/mouse when I bought an iMac last year. They have the stuff and can easily swap it out.
I would assume that they could also sell me the family pack of iWork. I don't care if it is pre-installed as long as I get the CD and the 5 licenses.
I think you can only do that on apple online stores because when I bought my iMac, they won't let me.:(:apple:

You only tried to change the keyboard and mouse, or did you also try to change the CPU, video card, ram or hard drive?
Pretty sure they can switch out mouse and keyboards in the store. I seem to remember them asking if I wanted wireless or regular keyboard/mouse when I bought an iMac last year. They have the stuff and can easily swap it out.

It really depends. When new iMacs came with keyboard without num pad people really wanted to change it for KB w/ num pad but they didn't let 'em do that. OK, few people have got it changed but don't trust on that
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