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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 16, 2006
I am planning to buy 2 macbooks next week at the 5th Avenue Apple store. My question is if there is plenty of stock available with different configurations; that is i want to buy the 2GHz white macbook with 80 GB HD, will they make an order for me there and tell me go back in a few days (the online shop says 5-7 days for shipping) or is there any possibility to have this configuration already available at the shop?
Thanks in advance!
So they will probably place an order for me. Does anybody know if it would take the same time to be delivered as declared by the online shop or less?

EDIT: Also, can someone buy refurbished products direclty from the applestore?
miles01110 said:
It would probably take more or less the same amount of time. If I were buying a BTO machine, though, I would order it online to avoid paying the $200 in tax for the 2 macbooks.

Well, the issue is that i cannot order online, since i do not own a us credit card. What is the difference with BTO (by they way, what do the initials mean?)

Is there anyone with experience buying from the 5th avenue applestore?
miles01110 said:
Sorry, BTO = Build to Order, i.e. your custom configuration.

Ok, thanks, and why do i save 100 $ per macbook when i order it online?
Some stores do carry highly desirable upgrade machines, but with current demand
for MacBooks, who knows.

I would go for 2 stock units or refurbs and add RAM and larger HD's third

Both of these options are very easy DIY upgrades.
When you order online you still have to pay tax since Apple operates in all 50 states, however, you pay the tax rate of where you are having the computer shipped to. If you buy it at the store, you pay the tax rate in NYC, which is probably higher than where you live.

And, no, and BTO will have to go through online, they can't configure it in the store. I'm not even sure if they can take your money and have it ordered through the store.
FFTT said:
Some stores do carry highly desirable upgrade machines, but with current demand
for MacBooks, who knows.

I would go for 2 stock units or refurbs and add RAM and larger HD's third

Both of these options are very easy DIY upgrades.

Yes i agree on that, this is why i am not ordering additional RAM, i will install it myself (keep the 1x256 and add 1GB at very lower price than the one apple sells), but for the HD i dont see a reason why not to just give apple 50$ for upgrading the 60GB HD to 80 GB, instead of buying a new 80GB HD. (I dont want to keep the 60GB and use it as external because i already have one)
roland.g said:
When you order online you still have to pay tax since Apple operates in all 50 states, however, you pay the tax rate of where you are having the computer shipped to. If you buy it at the store, you pay the tax rate in NYC, which is probably higher than where you live.

And, no, and BTO will have to go through online, they can't configure it in the store. I'm not even sure if they can take your money and have it ordered through the store.

Well, i do not live in the US, just visiting for short time and by the chance take advantage of the low prices comparing to other (european to be more precise) applestores.
Since i cannot order my self or have the applestore order a BTO for me, i hope they do have preconfigured white macbooks with 80GB HD !!
When I went to the Apple Store near here with my aunt to buy an iMac for my uncle, they upgraded to the bluetooth desktop for us right in the store.
That's cool Caitlyn!

FFTT are you going to buy your refurbished macbooks at an applestore or order them online? Do you know if you can buy refurbished items at an applestore?
I'm just going to call 1-800-MYAPPLE to order.

That's the way I've always done it before.

Once I get the order number details, I then go to my bank and wire the funds
to Apple's account.

Then I have my stuff shipped to my office so I don't have to worry about being home.

You can also order refurbs while you're at the AppleStore if you wish.
When I bought my PB last year, I had them upgrade the RAM in store and there was no problem, so obviously they can accomodate some BTO options on the spot, and since fifth avenue is such a busy/big store, I imagine they may have more parts on hand than most.

To the OP: I'd call the store directly and ask them. If they have extra 80gb drives in stock, they'd very likely install it on the spot (you may have to wait a little while depending on how busy they are, though).
Some Apple Retail stores carry MacBooks with upgrades already:

Quoted from AppleInsider:

A new 2.0GHz white MacBook configuration packs an additional 512MB of RAM and 20GB of extra hard disk space, for a total of 1GB of RAM (via two 512MB SODIMMs) and 80GB of storage.

The new model retails for $1449, or $150 more than the 2.0GHz white MacBook with 512MB of RAM and a 60GB hard disk. Both configurations included Apple's SuperDrive optical disc drive.

Meanwhile, Apple has also introduced a new configuration of its black 2.0GHz MacBook, dubbed the "MacBook Ultimate."

The $1599 model includes 1GB of RAM (also via two 512MB SODIMMs), but otherwise is identical to the company's $1499 MacBook, which includes 512MB of RAM, an 80GB hard disk and SuperDrive.

Alternatively, most Apple resellers (not retail stores) will order a custom order for you. However, sometimes, they ask for a deposit.

If you don't want to order via phone or online, this may be your best option.

I hope this helps!

I've had the same sales rep at Apple for several years now.

He really knows audio recording and he's never given me bad advice.

The salesperson who helps you with your sale should fully understand your needs so you make the right choice.

Even though I have purchased all my products direct over the phone, the local AppleStore has treated me extremely well if any problems turn up.

I make a point of test running anything I buy "AS SHIPPED" for a few days just
to rule out any issues.

Once you determine that everything is O.K. Then you can custom install the OS, add RAM and software to your heart's content, but don't jump the gun until you know your system is working properly out of the box.
Thank you guys for your answers, they have been quite helpful. Since i dont have a physical address in NYC (i will be staying at a hotel) and i cannot order online (dont have us issued credit card) the only option is to go to applestore. I am pretty convinced the service is very good and either i can find the configuration i want or i can just ask for an upgrade over there. Will let you know next week what really happened!
harisdmac said:
Thank you guys for your answers, they have been quite helpful. Since i dont have a physical address in NYC (i will be staying at a hotel) and i cannot order online (dont have us issued credit card) the only option is to go to applestore. I am pretty convinced the service is very good and either i can find the configuration i want or i can just ask for an upgrade over there. Will let you know next week what really happened!

And yes you can order refurb in the store and sometimes they will be more likely to have custom refurb units!
finally bought from 5th avenue

Hi guys,
finally made it and bought my first mac from the 5th avenue applestore, NY and i would like to share some experiences and impressions:
1)The store is great, i mean is super, i have never seen anything like that...its like the photos seen on the web and even is full of apple stuff that anyone can go around and watch or play with
2) The personnel is more than helpful and polite...they dont bug you with asking you if you wanna buy anything they just sit there and when you need them there is always someone aroung you to give you some help. One thing that i just didnt like very much is that occasionally when e.g. you buy a macbook they will try to sell you applecare and additional software like iWord...but always with a very gentle manner.
3) Now...regarding my previous thoughts and questions posted in this thread: First, they dont have special configurations for the white macbooks, only for the black one, which you can get it with 1GB ram pre-installed at the price stated on the website. If you want to get 1 Gb ram white macbook they will politely suggest you to do it yourself or order it online because it will cost more at the applestore since you buy brand new memory at the whole price and also keep the old one.
Secondly, they do not have refurbished products available. what they have is 'refreshed' products. These, according to the salesmen, are products that are returned to the shop after maximum 14 days of purchase by the client because the client was not satisfied and NOT because they were malfaunctional. This way you save 10% off the original price and at the time i visited them (early september) they had only black macbooks. I bought myself one 'refreshed' macbook and i am pretty satisfied with it since i hardly could notice it was used before and i saved myself 10% ! I am still so excited abt my new macbook that i cannot think of anything else to write at the moment. I will be glad to answer any questions regarding the 5th avenue applestore.
Also, one nice trick that a salesman told me: if you are a tourist that wants to save hundrends of euros by buying a macbook in the us but you dont have a us credit card (which is required in order to buy online) you can purchase online a gift card using any kind of credit card instead and then use the giftcard to buy online anyting you want; all you need then is an address within the us to receive the items!
Last but not least: Despite the fact that visa electron cards (or any kind of electron cards) are widely accepted in europe, there is no luck with them within the us as well as with the applestores :( Better carry cash or a normal credit card if you intend to buy from us applestores.
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