I am buying an iphone 3g off ebay, and I want to get a data only plan with it so i can use voip. The phone has been jailbroken.
My question is, can I do that?
How good is voip using fring and how much does it cost?
What is a turbo sim?
why is it that everyone on this forum acts like a jerk?
i have come to novice this when asking questions unless you physicaly type "searches did not provide me with any answers" people jump down your throat and in some cases flame you for not searching or saying you already did.
You can't get a stand alone data plan as far as I know, you have to get a plan with minutes etc. You might be able to get a pay-as-you-go sim with at&t/t-mobile and use the preloaded amount for data, but I imagine that would be expensive. Other than that you can always use the built in wifi, that'd probably be your only other option.