I'm contemplating buying mobile me on eBay to save a few bucks what should I look for to get a full account? I don't want to be "added" to someones account.
Of course you want your own account, otherwise the seller can access your email etc I think
Yeah I read somewhere some sellers were selling spots on family plans. I def don't want that. Also does anyone know if I can buy another one on eBay in a year when it runs out? Or do I have to pay apple direct to keep my current account going?
Just watch out for people who are selling it VERY cheap with only 5GB!! These people are splitting up the family pack hence they will always have control of your account as they are the family controller!!
make sure you are getting the 20GB version
Just watch out for people who are selling it VERY cheap with only 5GB!! These people are splitting up the family pack hence they will always have control of your account as they are the family controller!!
make sure you are getting the 20GB version
Great tip but, I bought mine at the store and it says I only have 10gb avail....I bought my wife's on ebay and says the same...only 10gb avail. Did this change or do I need to pay to upgrade?
Will check, maybe it is 10GB and not 20!!