It looks like FCP 7 isn't multithreaded or able to efficently use all the cores. After some quick researching it looks like certain parts of FCP use multi-core threading such as Compressor or After Effects ( i'm a Logic Pro guy, don't know a whole lot about FCP) Since you're familiar with FCP do some google searching for your answer but it does appear most people say it doesn't multi-thread very well. Regarding the current MP's, I would hold out. If your MBP is doing the job just hold out for a refresh. I would hate to be some of the people that got MBA's a week before the refresh and find the new ones are twice as fast, even faster than last years MBP's. More than likely the new base MP model will still be 4 cores maybe 6 but it will support Hyper Threading. As far as graphics go, stick with the default card, it should be able to show at least 3 screens on one 5770. The Mac pro is probably gonna be my next Mac, i've been building PC's for 7 years and like the fact that if a HD dies, i can replace it, not so with a iMac. I wish though, 27" iMac is awesomely spec'd out. You can get an SSD as a primary, although it maybe a pain now with Lion not shipping discs or thumb drives, i guess they are sometime but as far as i know not with new Mac at this point. If you just bought an SSD aftermarket you would have to install OSX on that drive and format the other one and use it in the 2nd drive. Again, idk if Apple is shipping some form of media at this point to be able to do that. It seems that thumdrives will be available for 70 bucks with Lion on them in the near future though.