Base on what I can afford, I am looking to buy a used Xserve with at least two 2.26GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon "Nehalem" 5500 series processors. I have been looking on Ebay for approximately six months and have not had any luck. I always see the same eight or nine Xserves, by the same sellers, in the same state, trying to sell their older model Xserve with the 2Ghz, 2.8Ghz and 3Ghz intel Xeon 5130 or 5400 series Intel Xeon processors. I know there is not a large market for Xserve because it is a specialize product, which generally caters to the business buyer. However, in relationship to Ebay, I would expect to see more than eight or nine of the same Xserves' with the 5130 or 5400 series Intel Xeon processors, being sold by the same sellers, in the same few states, considering Ebay has approximately 300,000,000+ million members. With that said, I would like to know has anyone had any success buying a used model Xserve with the Intel "Nehalem" 5500 series processor on Ebay or any other auction website?