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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 16, 2006
Should I wait until after the WWDC to get a new laptop? does Apple usually announce new/updated laptops at this event?

I'd buy a macbook pro now but i feel like they will update it at the WWDC to increase the gap between pro and non pro

the small gap between the macbook and macbook pro is the only thing keeping me from buying

what do we think?
If you need the laptop now, get it now, its a great machine.

If you dont need it now, then wait, because its inevitably going to be updated at some point in the near future.

I also think (and this is not directed at you specifically) that we should not have these threads anymore, theres about a million of them and a simple use of the search box will prove that. All of the threads end up with the same responses.
that's really true about the threads and i've read most of them but no one's really said anything about WWDC and I can't remember what's happened in the past because it is so infrequent that i am in the market for a new computer.

does anyone remember what happened last year at WWDC in terms of new products?

the year before?
I was kind of in the same boat as you. My Tibook (1ghz) had began to show signs of its age, but I decided to wait until Merom (end of the year maybe??)... Then disaster struck, my logic board ****ed up and now I get awful blocks and colors and weird stuff all over the screen.
Since I don't really need a MBP (but I want one!!) I've decided to buy the base Macbook (1.83ghz) and use it until next year when the new Merom/Santa rosa combination ships in the MBP's... That way I think I get the best of both worlds, a working, fast laptop until next year (without investing too much) and the absolute bleeding edge revision B/C pro laptop next year.


But still... that's just me!
i don't know the trends for WWDC specifically, but i do know there is good speculation that merom will come sometime this fall. what would i do? if i wasn't in desperate need of a new laptop, i'd wait.. one, for merom, and two, for a rev B product that has either made the gap between the MB and MBP a bit bigger (in terms of performance and/or bells and whistles), or has addressed some of the rev A problems.

BUT, if you DO need a new laptop now, don't hesitate - the machines are excellent!
you really wont regret it at all. i just splurged and got a macbook pro, and i wouldnt regret it at all. its a briliant machine! you will love it no matter what else new comes out!!!!
buy used G4 and wait

i was in your shoes 4 weeks ago. I got a great deal at Ebay on barely used G4 (last revision before Intel)... go with that... and wait till Merom comes out. Never buy first generation Apple.

But then again, if you are one of the suckers that must get the latest thing and need instant gratification, then get one of the new ones. They do look sweet

ps... those same suckers that get the latest new thing are always same ones that complain about the whining, excessive heat and other problems.
The only computer that has been announced in recent years at WWDC was the Power Mac G5. If you can wait keep waiting... but don't wait because you think there are issues with the current MacBook Pros, I have a 15" here manufactured between 5/25 - 5/28 and it runs absolutely perfectly. It's cool and quiet. I guess according to the newbie above I'm a sucker. :rolleyes:
xfiftyfour said:, for merom, and two, for a rev B product...

Is a Merom MacBook Pro really a Rev B or is it a Rev A Merom machine? Also considering Apple just released speed bump upgrades on the 15" does that make them Rev B? Every speed bumped Power Mac G5 was considered a new revision, so what Rev are the current machines? ;)

edit: according to we are up to Rev E on the 15"

As of April 2006, there have been five revisions of the MacBook Pro, A-E. Serial numbers of the original begin with W8608.

W8608, Rev. A.
W8609, Rev. B.
W8610, Rev. C.
W8611, Rev. D.
W8612, Rev. E.
risc said:
I have a 15" here manufactured between 5/25 - 5/28 and it runs absolutely perfectly. It's cool and quiet. I guess according to the newbie above I'm a sucker. :rolleyes:

That's very interesting... and likely to make me buy one now too!
hmmm... well, I will HAVE to buy a laptop before Fall, so i'm thinking i might as well just do it soon. I really think i'm gonna buy a macbook pro with no reason other then i want it. :)
chanwaiming3 said:
ps... those same suckers that get the latest new thing are always same ones that complain about the whining, excessive heat and other problems.

right, cause later rev products are always so perfect. Like the last rev 15" powerbook G4... :rolleyes:
I'm thinking if anything new comes out at WWDC, it'll be Intel PowerMacs, XServes, updated iMacs or new iPods. The MBP's have already had a minor upgrade and the MB's just came out. So, I think your safe. Happy buying. :)
Its usually cinema displays, and PowerMacs at WWDC but im sure apple will get them Merom chips into the MBP as soon as possible.

I think they need to do this quick, as the gap between MBP and MB is not big enough at the moment.
I expect Apple to update the MacBook Pro at sometime prior to the Holiday Shopping season. I say this because Apple refers to the current the Intel based MacBook Pro "Early 2006". You can view this at Apple's web site.

Although WWDC has historically been a place to announce PowerMac (hopefully Mac Pro) and Cinema Display updates, there's an outside chance that Apple may announce a MacBook Pro replacement at the event given the explanation about the "early 2006" description I provided above.

However, if you need a system now, I say go ahead and make the purchase.
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