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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 18, 2006
Hey there - hoping someone can help me out.

I pre-ordered a Nikon D80 here in Australia about a month ago. Unfortunately Nikon has sacked the current distributor (Maxwell) and is taking over the distribution in Australia itself from 1 November 2006. All the stores are saying that they won't have stock in until mid-November.

This doesn't help me, as I'm heading off on my honeymoon in the first week of November and really want to have the camera during the honeymoon.

We are going to Vietnam for the honeymoon and will have a lay-over in hong kong airport on the way.

Does anyone know if the stores in the transit lonuge in Hong Kong airport has a decent range and is likely to stock Nikon or can suggest somewhere reliable in Vietnam (preferrably Saigon)?

I know there are the old warranty issues with buying outside your home country but I really want the D80 as I already have other nikon lenses.

Alternatively recommendations for US mail order stores (and comments on whether I'm likely to be charged duty) would be appreciated.

Also, any thoughts on pricing comparisons for my various options?



macrumors 6502a
May 6, 2006
Leeds, UK
Xin Chao,

Hey I just did the same trip, Vietnam via Hong Kong, tho with a few days in HK. IIRC there is an electricals/camera store in HK airport, however if it's at all possible it would probably be worth it to break your trip and spend a day in HK. There are loads of camera shops as you might expect, the Lonely Planet has a good number of recomendations, I went to 'Photo Scientific' on 6 Stanley street (on Hong Kong island) for a new battery for my D70, they're not the cheapest but they knew what they were doing.

I didn't specifically look for cameras in the airport, tho I did notice the price of the compact flash which wasn't cheap by any stretch of the imagination.

Didn't see any 'proper' camera shops in Siagon tho I did pick up some compact flash, it was nearly twice the price of that in HK (outside the airport), whilst I could have probably found it cheeper I would generally expect HK to be better value than Siagon for more upmarket electricals.

Deffinetly worth getting the camera, I've got some cracking shots from the D70 on my trip.


macrumors regular
Aug 8, 2006
You should be able to find the Nikon in either Fortress or Sound & Vision. I would check Fortress first.

Fortress is a chain but I don't know if they will have the same prices as their shops in town. If so, then they're quite reasonable but I would suspect that as with most airport shops, things will be more expensive.

Hong Kong airport has a good variety of shops; I will be very surprised if you can't find it.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I have been to HK many times and since I'm one of those people who likes to get to the airport early (especially big ones with lots of stores), I know there are going to be a few stores at the airport that might sell the D80. :)

There are plenty of Fortress stores in the airport, so if one store doesn't have the camera you're after, then try another. They vary in size at the airport.

Oh, and the food at the airport is rather excellent, even the fast food. :)

tyr2 said:
...however if it's at all possible it would probably be worth it to break your trip and spend a day in HK. There are loads of camera shops as you might expect, the Lonely Planet has a good number of recomendations, I went to 'Photo Scientific' on 6 Stanley street (on Hong Kong island) for a new battery for my D70, they're not the cheapest but they knew what they were doing.

And just to mention something about HK: Yes, prices are cheaper, but shopping is safer if you're Chinese and speak Cantonese in HK. ;) Even if you were to go into the city, there are only like 4 highly reputable camera stores in HK. I've never shopped in HK for camera gear, but I've definitely done my research, as I know how tough it is down there. ;) Go there, and you'll see lots and lots of camera stores, but as a general rule of thumb in HK, never ever EVER trust a store that's littered with neon signs. :p Also don't trust any store where there are no price tags on the product windows.

The 4 stores to trust that will also give you great prices:

-Wing Shing x 2 (there are two stores within 5 minutes of each other in MongKok, but I don't know why.)
- Man Shing (same owners as Wing Shing, and also in MongKok.)

Unlike with other stores, you can't negotiate with these stores at all, but at least you know you're getting a good price and it's safe to buy all lenses and gear from them. They're all very knowledgeable as well, and wouldn't rip you off.

- Tin Cheung (in Tsim Sa Tsui (spelling?) or TST, which also happens to be beside MongKok :p). Sometimes their prices are the best, and sometimes they're not even close. NEGOTIATE! If it seems too cheap, ask them for the product with the HK warranty. Otherwise, they may sell you a "grey market" import. It's not a big deal since you're leaving the country anyway (ie: what you're getting is essentially a grey import anyway since you're not really bringing back a valid Aussie product), so maybe grey imports aren't really a disadvantage for you. ;)

Stores like HK Supplies is good, and even Citicall and Fortress may sometimes have the best prices in town, although only for the camera itself, since they're not really a lens dealer.

This is a site that compares the best prices for each lens available in HK, and which store they were bought from: YG Dragon

Trustworthy: HK Supplies
Wing Shing Photo
Tin Cheung

You see, I TOLD you I did my research. :D


macrumors 6502
Nov 1, 2005
Uppsala, Sweden
Good luck finding that D80, you will love it! And make sure to post some pics when you get back!

Also, just in case you don't know, if the lenses you have are for 35mm nikons, they won't be very wide on the D80 because of the 1.5 crop factor.


macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2004
In February I bought a Nikon D70s + 18-70mm lens in Mongkok, Can't remember the shops name but I think it was located in the Mongkok computer shopping center.

The kitlens came with a 3y international warranty, but the body only had a 1y HK warranty.

Don't buy at the airport shop in HK, I've seen some of the prices and they are way too high.

Also don't go near the tourists shops/ traps in Tsim Sha Tsui


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Charlie147 said:
Unfortunately Nikon has sacked the current distributor (Maxwell) and is taking over the distribution in Australia itself from 1 November 2006.

Interesting. Wonder why they chose to do this ... anywhere I can read more online, by any chance?

Alternatively recommendations for US mail order stores (and comments on whether I'm likely to be charged duty) would be appreciated.

Can't recommend any mail order stores, not having used any myself, but on duty: Clicky. In brief: as long as the goods are valued below $AU1000 (including shipping), you won't be charged. If they're over $AU1000, you'll be charged a clearance fee (I think, don't know how much), plus GST.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 18, 2006
Sincere thanks for all the advice!!

Sounds like Vietnam purchase is definately a no go, both cause of price and the fact that I'm sure my wife-to-be won't be too impressed with spending the first day of the honeymoon hunting for a 'proper' camera store.

Looks like I will be paying import duty if I order online, plus given the tight timeframe I would be a bit worried about it not arriving before we leave, so I think I'll rule that out too.

HK airport sounds like a possibility although it may be expensive. Unfortunately all our flights are confirmed so there is no chance of a dash into the city to pick up the camera and I'm still worried that while there might be stores in the airport that sell it, we may have to clear immigration to get to them (again timing might be too tight to achieve this).

My latest plan is that my best man is flying in from the US for the wedding, so I might be able to convince him to pick me one up in the states!

On the change in distributor - Maxwell has been the sole Australian distributor for years and there is a strong view that their monopoly has kept prices artificially inflated. Nikon website has a press release about the change.

Thanks again for all your input!!
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