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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 23, 2014
I have a question: I have a 2010 Macbook Pro that seems to get progressively slower and I am considering getting a 2015 model. The only problem is that the model I'm interested in is being sold on a number of sites for a decent price, where I'm not sure if there is Apple Warranty. I'm afraid of buying a computer and getting something with third party parts that would void any apple warranty. Naturally, should I run into issues, this will complicate things. One site in particular that concerns me is Gazelle, as I've read tons of bad reviews. I am on a budget so what would you guys recommend? Have you ever purchased a computer from these sites and what have been your experiences?


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
If you are buying and Apple Refurb the only way you are going to get a warranty from Apple is to buy it from the Apple Refurb store.
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macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2017
I would recommend either buying refurbished Macs directly from Apple or looking up the Apple Authorized Service Providers in your area. Many of these Apple-certified companies not only service Apple products, but also sell used Apple products, and provide their own warranty on them. Unlike a used retailer like Gazelle, the warranty that comes with the computer is from a company that is equally competent as Apple is when it comes to repair, will use Apple parts on the computer, and will provide you meaningful support if you have an issue down the road.

For example, this is the Instagram Used account for a retailer in my area, and this is a small fraction of what they have, so you may be able to find an Apple Authorized joint in your local area with considerable selection. With this Apple Authorized Service Provider, their used Macs have a 1 year warranty, and afterwards they still will usually help someone out if they run into a problem shortly outside the warranty period.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 23, 2014
I'm seeing a couple in my area, the tricky part is knowing what they have to offer. But I will call these guys up and see if they can provide me with a good deal. Thank you guys. I'm honestly going to look into more Authorized Apple Resellers and see what I come across
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