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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 19, 2007
Went to the Davis Cup tie between Great Britain and Croatia over the weekend. Attempted to take some different shots to my usual favourites and these were the results! C&C would be appreciated...

(I realise that these shots were not taken with the type of camera nor lens that is usually associated with sports photography. I make no bones though and would like honest thoughts please!)

Camera Used: Fuji S5700


Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter: 1/600
Focal Length: 63mm


Aperture: f/4
Shutter: 1/450
Focal Length: 63mm


Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter: 1/550
Focal Length: 63mm


Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter: 1/640
Focal Length: 52mm


macrumors 6502
Mar 5, 2006
While my experience with sports photography is limited, I'll give you my best attempted at some C&C.

I love the first image. It's different. Not usable for most publications I would think, but still a fun, interesting and cool shot. I would have liked the bit of the shadow of the net player to not have been cropped so close to the edge.

Second image has great composition (rule of thirds FTW) but I don't now why, I just wish the grass was greener.

Third image is prolly my least favorite. Needs less of the giant, boring black backdrop and more of the court and player. Also I think has face is burned out a little.

Like the composition of image four, again wish the full shadow was in the image. I wish the Great Britain was less burned out from glare.

All in all some great shots.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
The best shot is the third one. The sports photography rule of thumb is:

(1) There must be a ball
(2) There must be a player, players, opposing sides of some kind.
(3) There must be action, motion, movement.

The third one has all three. The others are good but no one likes the backs of people's head unless that is the type of shot you are going for, or if the shot tells the story (the entire story). Great job and keep shooting.

p.s. watch the highlights, they were wearing white shirts so I know how though that can be. Exposure comp down about 1/3 or 2/3 of a stop and you will be fine should it ever happen again.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 19, 2004
Northeast, CT
The best shot is the third one. The sports photography rule of thumb is:

(1) There must be a ball
(2) There must be a player, players, opposing sides of some kind.
(3) There must be action, motion, movement.

The third one has all three. The others are good but no one likes the backs of people's head unless that is the type of shot you are going for, or if the shot tells the story (the entire story). Great job and keep shooting.

p.s. watch the highlights, they were wearing white shirts so I know how though that can be. Exposure comp down about 1/3 or 2/3 of a stop and you will be fine should it ever happen again.

Nice shots, its a good start. Anyways as this quote says there are some rules, these three and a few more. Keep it tight, get the faces and expressions, and keep practicing. Just like anything else practice is great, and luckily you can always delete something you don't like.

Also with exposure, the face is always the place you want it right, yes if everything could be exposed correctly you should but sometimes it just isn't possible. By knocking down the exposure by 1/3rd to 2/3rds will help but make sure the face isn't too dark.


macrumors regular
Aug 1, 2007
Those are really nice pice pictures in my opinion. If i had a better camera i would take some more sorts photography but those look very profesional in my opinion.
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