Hello again fellow programmers. I'm taking a part two class of C++ for those who remember me last semester.
I've finally understood the concepts of classes fairly well, but I'm not understanding why my program is not working. Before I spill code, know that the method used is as followed:
* Header File
* Implementation File
* Test file (test methods)
XCode isn't friendly and will not let me have 'manager.h' and 'manager.cpp' in the same project. Oh well. I think my problem deals with Inheritance between two header files 'employee.h' and 'manager.h'.
Here's the implementation file:
Header File 'manager.h'
Finally, the test file 'testmanager.cpp'
Sorry for the indentations but you can thank the forum for that. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I've finally understood the concepts of classes fairly well, but I'm not understanding why my program is not working. Before I spill code, know that the method used is as followed:
* Header File
* Implementation File
* Test file (test methods)
XCode isn't friendly and will not let me have 'manager.h' and 'manager.cpp' in the same project. Oh well. I think my problem deals with Inheritance between two header files 'employee.h' and 'manager.h'.
Here's the implementation file:
// manager.cpp // implements Manager class
// 01/29/2007
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "manager.h" // include declaration of Manager class
#include "employee.h"
using namespace std;
Manager::Manager(int theId, string theName)
// Initialize fields inherited from parent class Employee
// Initialize fields of class Manager
hrsWorked = 0;
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
hours[i] = 0;
void Manager::setHours(int theHours[])
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
hours[i] = theHours[i];
hrsWorked += hours[i];
int Manager::getTotalHours()
return hrsWorked;
void Manager::setRate(double payRate)
ratePerHour = payRate;
double Manager::getRate()
return ratePerHour;
void Manager::setBonus(double bonus)
overtimePay = bonus;
double Manager::getBonus()
return overtimePay;
void Manager::calcSalary()
salary = hrsWorked * ratePerHour + overtimePay;
void Manager::printInfo()
cout << "*********************************" << endl;
cout << "Hours Worked: " << hrsWorked << endl;
cout << "Rate per Hour: " << ratePerHour << endl;
cout << "Overtime Pay: " << overtimePay << endl;
cout << "Total Salary: " << salary << endl;
cout << "*********************************" << endl;
Header File 'manager.h'
// manager.h // declares Manager class
// 01/29/2007
#ifndef MANAGER_H
#define MANAGER_H
#include <string>
#include "employee.h" // include declaration of Employee class
using namespace std;
class Manager : public Employee
int hours[5]; // number of hours worked per day
int hrsWorked; // total hours worked
double ratePerHour; // pay rate per hour
double overtimePay; // bonus
// Postcondition: this name has been initialized from the given parameters
Manager(int theId, string theName);
// Postcondition: the number of hours worked per day has been set from the given array.
// the total hours worked has been computed.
void setHours(int theHours[]);
// Precondition: the hoursWorked has been computed.
// Postcondition: returns the total number of hours worked.
int getTotalHours();
// Postcondition: the pay rate per hour has been set from the given value.
void setRate(double payRate);
// Postcondition: returns the payRate.
double getRate();
// Postcondition: the bonus pay has been set.
void setBonus(double bonus);
// Postcondition: returns the bonus.
double getBonus();
// Postcondition: the salary has been computed.
void calcSalary();
// Postcondition: All information about this employee has been displayed.
void printInfo();
// For Extra Credits
// Postcondition: The current manager (calling object) contains a copy of otherManager.
// void operator= (const Manager& otherManager);
// if you would allow the assignment like a = b = c; use the following solution
// const Manager& operator= (const Manager& otherManager);
}; // Manager
Finally, the test file 'testmanager.cpp'
// testmanager.cpp
// Jonathan Andrew Scott
// CSCI 2010
// 2/5/2007
#include <iostream>
#include "manager.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
int hrsMgr1[5] = {5, 6, 7, 3, 6};
int hrsMgr2[5] = {4, 5, 4, 7, 5};
Manager mgr1(101, "Andrew Scott");
Manager mgr2(102, "Kyle Gregory");
cout << "Test all methods \n";
cout << "ID: " << mgr1.getID() << endl;
cout << "Name: " << mgr1.getName() << endl;
cout << "Total Hours Worked Per Week: " << mgr1.getTotalHours() << endl;
cout << "Hourly Rate of Pay: " << mgr1.getRate() << endl;
cout << "Bonus Pay This Week: " << mgr1.getBonus() << endl;
cout << "Gross Pay: " << mgr1.getSalary() << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
Sorry for the indentations but you can thank the forum for that. Any suggestions would be appreciated.