Hey guys,
I use CLang compiler to build our binaries for the MACOSX platform.
I also provide the '-g' option which ensures that debugging symbols are enabled.
This is my CLang command with the flags - Do note that the '-g' flag is provided
I issue a sleep(30) command, my program waits 30 seconds, so that gives me time to go to XCode - Debug-->Attach To Process --> mtxtests (my executable)
As soon as XCode attaches, the sleep is aborted and teh execution continues!
Thus, I cant debug any code.
Also my XCode project has 'C++ library' as the target
What could be the problem?
If i remember i used to be able to debug fine when i used to use the LLVM-GCC compiler. But with Maverics, we need to move to CLang...
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I use CLang compiler to build our binaries for the MACOSX platform.
I also provide the '-g' option which ensures that debugging symbols are enabled.
This is my CLang command with the flags - Do note that the '-g' flag is provided
I want to use XCode to debug an isssue.clang -I/ac/head/tools/mtxtests -I/ac/head/library/include -I/ac/head/library/src/VersLib -I/ac/head/library/src/XmlLib -I/ac/head/library/src/ZipLib -I/ac/head/tools/googletest/include -DAGENT_VERS_MAJ=0 -DAGENT_VERS_MIN=0 -DAGENT_VERS_REV=\"0\" -DBUILDNUMBER=\"Undefined\" -DUNIX -D_REENTRANT -D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS -DMACOSX -DDEBUG -DIMPORT_MTXLIBS -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -m64 -stdlib=libstdc++ -isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.8.sdk -Wall -fPIC -fpermissive -g -fvisibility=hidden -E /ac/head/tools/mtxtests/library/PortLib/MtxString.cpp
I issue a sleep(30) command, my program waits 30 seconds, so that gives me time to go to XCode - Debug-->Attach To Process --> mtxtests (my executable)
As soon as XCode attaches, the sleep is aborted and teh execution continues!
Thus, I cant debug any code.
Also my XCode project has 'C++ library' as the target
What could be the problem?
If i remember i used to be able to debug fine when i used to use the LLVM-GCC compiler. But with Maverics, we need to move to CLang...
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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