Deciphering Barefeats specs?
Can anyone help me parse the Barefeats numbers cited above? It looked to me as though the 7200rpm drive would be faster most of the time, going by the graphs.... BUT, as the accompanying text seemed to indicate, most tests were performed on an empty drive - while the performance at the 74GB mark looked like a lot more of a mixed bag.
So where would this leave me assuming I wanted to run Logic Pro and ProTools, and not much else? (Probably using external FW drives for recording audio, btw.) If I don't plan on loading anything other than OS and apps on the internal HD, should I save $100 and go with the 7200rpm drive?
(On a separate note - what is the current thinking re: partitioning of drives? Will I squeeze out any extra performance if I create a relatively small partition for apps and OS and use that as my startup volume? Or is it not with the effort?)
Thanks for any tips!