I am sick and tired of the "forced" International holiday push. I can't even delete holidays I don't want to see. Apparently, we don't have the freedom within our own calendars to put in the holidays we want to follow. We are all aware of which holidays they have recently started to push, and I don't appreciate it. Quite honestly, it's like having big brother over your shoulder trying to control what you do at work and in your own home. I want a calendar that only I control on my "personal" computer, because it's a calendar only I use for the things I choose to use it for. If Apple wants to be helpful, make a button that allows a user to choose from several regional holidays (after all many of us have multicultural backgrounds). Stop force feeding us some global agenda! There are only a handful of holidays I follow, and I don't care to see holidays that other regions follow. The last time I looked, the United States Of America, was still free and free thinking. I also don't care to have all of my information uploaded into a cloud. I prefer to still have privacy on my computer, and under my own roof. If apps like calendar continue to control what we see, and what we do, I will find a company that will provide apps that give us the freedom to add what we want, or I will simply go back to paper files. Technology is a tool that should be fun and useful, not used to force feed us things we don't want to use or see.