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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 14, 2016
London, UK

I've used my calendars in a certain way for years with no trouble and then out of the blue a few months back I started seeing this problem. I've searched forums and spoken to Apple Support to no avail. It's quite a complex issue that spans my calendars across iOS and macOS so apologies if I've posted in the wrong forum.

The issue:

I only use apple calendars (no google/ office etc...). I have multiple calendars set up for work, travel, personal and these are all sync'd across my iPhone, iPad and Macbook Pro (all with up to date OS). In my work calendar I have input my 16 week rota pattern - 'all day' events that recur every 16 days on a certain day with no end date for the repeat. What I used to do before the problem arose would be to open an 'all day' event a couple of weeks before hand and then input more details (change the title, change the event from all day to a set start and end time, notes), when saving the event I'd select for the changes to be made to just this event, so the recurring rota pattern isn't affected.

Now when I try to do this in iCloud I get a 'server error' message and the event won't save. If I try to do it on my Macbook Pro the 'all day' tick box option is greyed out so I can't alter the start and end times. On my iPhone and iPad I have no option to alter the times (just dates). The only workaround I have currently is to delete the day's original recurring 'all day' event and then replace this with a new event.

I wondered if anybody else has come across this issue or has any ideas on a fix?
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