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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 22, 2015
Last 2 iterations of iPhones--8 and 7--had horrible call quality for the person on the other end, as documented by countless people on the Apple forums. I experienced it myself. In fact, to this day I use the 6 Plus because of its superior sound quality for those getting my calls.

Did Apple finally fix this issue with the Xs and Xs Max? Those of you who have these phones, please try. Ask the person receiving your call(s) how you sound.



macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2017
South Dakota
If that's true, I'll be returning mine promptly. Not going to dick around this year with problems that should have been fixed before release. I ain't gonna pay $1300 to be a beta tester. No wishful thinking w/ this gal.

Discussion going on here:

Probably related to this. FCC tested the phones and the new antenna design causing issues.
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 22, 2015


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 22, 2015
Yep, people are taking the word of a guy with no apparent qualifications and 6 posts on a website no-one has ever heard of as gospel, in the absence of any real-world signal strength data. Mad, isn’t it?

I'll test it. But if I see the same problems being reported by a lot of people on this board, the phone goes straight back--no wishful thinking, network resets, promised network updates gonna stop me. I'm not beta testing any more Apple phones.


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2017
South Dakota
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macrumors 68030
Aug 10, 2006
So what? I’m not a RF engineer and, as far as I can tell, neither is he. That means his opinion on what those numbers mean (which is what everyone is discussing here) is about as valid as mine would be i.e. not at all. One person in another thread on here reports substantially better performance with new modem firmware in iOS 12.1. Too early to panic and say this is dud hardware at this stage: let’s see some real world signal strength data from XS units in field test mode being checked out by people who know what they are doing (e.g. Anandtech) and, assuming that shows any issues, see what a software / carrier settings update brings. FWIW here in the UK I’m seeing equivalent performance to my X so far.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2009
Central, Louisiana
Yep, people are taking the word of a guy with no apparent qualifications and 6 posts on a website no-one has ever heard of as gospel, in the absence of any real-world signal strength data. Mad, isn’t it?

Exactly.... I've tested mine against and iPhone 8 + and iPhone 6 +... Not scientific of course just as I've been around I've checked the signal, plus ran some speed test in various locations... In each location the iPhone Xs Max had the same signal level and the speed test was pretty conclusive in terms of being very, very close plus or minus on all 3 phones. I also tested call quality and by talking with several people and no reported any issues the call in comparison. Again not scientific and certainly very subjective... but good enough for me to be satisfied.

People just love to overreact and as you posted taking the words of a nobody with no qualifications to do these sort of test. It just goes to show you when it comes to Apple... people will believe anything. No phone is perfect no matter who makes it.

...and he is still trying to interpret what it all means.. we can see the numbers for ourselves.. but how do those number impact real world use isn't that really what is going to make or break this? Just seeing less bars means nothing... I can remember when AT&T sent out a carrier update one year and suddenly everyone bars was higher because they can change the percentage on the fly.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2007

Cape Dave

macrumors 68020
Nov 16, 2012
That seals the deal. I'll take it out of the box, play a bit. But next day, it goes back.

Have fun, Apple. You ain't wastin' my time no more.

Apple is now worth a trillion dollars, and it can't figure out how to make the best phone on the planet? Most expensive--yes.

Something's wrong.
If you are that sure, why not just leave it in the box?
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