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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 1, 2007
I was wondering how you protect your camera from the elements. (rain, snow, sleet, hail, etc...) It isn't the nicest of weather were I am right now and I was wondering how YOU protect YOUR camera from the elements.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
There are things you can buy better suited for the camera but because I live in a place where rain is fairly rare I use a zip-lock bag and cut a whole for the lens that is covered by a UV filter and then tape around the lens. I mean, if it rains and I feel the need to shoot.


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2006
Wherever I hang my hat...
I have a Tamrac bag that does what I need: it holds camera, two lenses, bits and pieces... and, most importantly, a compact tripod. The zips are waterproofed, and there's an extra drawstring that covers the zip around the main compartment. Result: dry gear. And when I sling my bag in the car, I know that I've got everything I need. If the weather is really bad, I won't be taking pictures. So I'm happy just to be showerproof... I've never used an ever-ready case for the camera itself...

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
I got myself a camera with water sealed dials and built like a tank. Other than that I usually put the camera in the bag when I don't need it, and when I do I just take it out and shoot what I need and through it back in there.

If i had to shoot in torrential ran I'd get a rain cover of some kind from the camera shop, or make the ziplock bag contraption that was talked about earlier.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I was wondering how you protect your camera from the elements. (rain, snow, sleet, hail, etc...) It isn't the nicest of weather were I am right now and I was wondering how YOU protect YOUR camera from the elements.

What kind of camera do you have. If you have a small point and shoot then it is easy. You can likely buy an inexpensive waterproof housing for it like for example Canon's "WP-DC13".
(You can Google on the part number.) these are strong and completely water proof even for diving in salfwater. But if you have an SLR, the housing costs literally more than the camera and is huge.

Ewa-Marine makes some waterproof "cases" out of really thick but flexible vinyl that are much cheaper then "real" housings and would protect a camera from a dunk in a swimming pool. They are good enough that you can intentionally take a camera under shallow water for a minute or so at the beach or pool

You can go a little bit lighter and lot cheaper and buy a "rain cape". (B&H photo must sell 100 kinds of these.) It is this just a clear filter that you shoot through that is attached to a large piece of clear vinyl sheet that covers the camera. These will handle any light rain but not a drop into wet snow or a puddle.

I've found that if it is cold enough, below freezing cameras do fine because there is no liquid water around. Do not keep them warm inside your jacket, leave them cold.

As for transport cases. Pelican is the way to go. One we dumped a load of video equipment into a white water river. (The canoe we were using to transport it all flipped end over end.) We fished it all out and were not even worried about damage. We had expected this kind of thing to happen a few times. The cases are also "airline baggage handler tough" as well.


macrumors 68040
Jul 25, 2006
paradise beach FL
I don't. Always was a risk taker, but I figure if it can't handle a little sun, sand, salt spray, and drizzle I need to do the upgrade to a pro body anyway. I do keep a clear filter over my lenses, as one good blemish can make a lot of difference in image quality. Maybe subconsciously I am trying to ruin my camera so the wife will let me buy an e3! I took this photo in the rain, knee deep in the surf, holding my camera well above the head whenever the waves came crashing in. That was late September, and I'm still using it with no ill effects... I expect to burn out the shutter mechanism before I ruin the camera.

I spent the whole time of this event in Jacksonville shooting in a drizzle, keeping the drops off my lens with the lens hood and lens cloth occasionally.
Got home, took all the equipment out and set it outside the next day which was fortunately a warm one, not a hitch! (Panasonic L1 and kit Leica lens, and a Zuiko digital 40-150mm)


Life Rolls On - They will surf again


macrumors 68030
May 25, 2007
Birmingham, UK
I usually have a small towel to wipe any excess water off my 5D when the weather's bad. For serious wet stuff i'd be tempted to use this. Though my current plastic shopping bag does a good enough job.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 1, 2007
I have a nikon d40. I think i will just try a zip lock bag. It is just snowing pretty much where I am and I wanted to get pictures of kids playing in the snow. Just didnt want to wreck my camera.


macrumors 68000
Mar 14, 2004
I often shoot in the rain. I've tried everything in the last 15 years. The best product I've come across is this.

It is cheap and simple.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 31, 2004
Los Angeles
Not sure if this was ever attempted but if you want a DYI, try those FedEx envolopes they are sturdy and water proof(from what I can tell) just need to find a way to wrap it properly. I know I made a DIY laptop sleeve with this material.
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