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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 21, 2010
Hi guys,


Our camera effects app for the iPhone 4 and 3GS just got approved for the app store today:

It's on sale for $0.99 as we try to build up some buzz around it :)

We've basically created Photo Booth for the iPhone, with live effects previewing. To our knowledge, every other camera effect app requires the user to apply the effect to an otherwise normal image.

Here are some screenshots (mostly simulator since I'm not terribly photogenic :eek:)



and some sample images from some people I've given copies to try out:




I'm busy working on a photo library with facebook/twitter upload, as well as more effects. The photo library I wrote for 1.0 wasn't really terrific, so I did the Apple-y thing and cut it out. :apple:

Belly Cubed, LLC
Love it, excellent. It would be good to be able to choose which camera to use with the iPhone4. I see that the 3GS supports the rear camera, it seems odd that iP4 doesn't. Unless I've missed something ;)
Love it, excellent. It would be good to be able to choose which camera to use with the iPhone4. I see that the 3GS supports the rear camera, it seems odd that iP4 doesn't. Unless I've missed something ;)

I had a toggle switch implemented but I ran into a big issue: a bug (in iOS, I'm 99% certain), that caused camera toggling to randomly and silently fail like 10% of the time for 3rd party apps.

Rather than risk the app store rejection for that, I'm postponing the toggling to next iOS update (where hopefully it's fixed).

Since most of my iPhone 4 testers preferred using the front camera to take self portraits, I defaulted to that camera for the 1.0 release.


Also if you like it (or even if you didn't), could you take a sec and leave a review? :)

I just checked iTunes and it's listed in the New and Noteworthy section for Entertainment apps:


This list is the same for everyone right?
Purchased. It was mainly the icon that sold me. Better than most (if not all) of the other camera apps out there. Also the UI seems very simplistic and I like that. After my iPhone gets here and I play around with it for a little bit I'll rate/review.
Posted two promo codes :

Will post more as I figure out how to allocate my allotment :)


I was one of the lucky two to get a promo code, and am very appreciative :) Thanks! :D

I left a review on the US iTunes store. It's a good review, of course, since the app itself is great :D I do have a few suggestions, as well as feedback:
  • I love the simplicity. Simplicity is always a good thing. Less taps means we get the job done that much faster.
  • It's very affordable, and even when the price goes up, it will still be affordable (especially since you plan to add more effects).
  • The icon rocks :D
  • The effects are amazing, especially with the live preview. I actually walk around the house with the thermal effect on, pretending to be a Predator with thermal vision :p
  • It would be nice if there were options to disable certain sounds (without muting the device).
  • Would you ever add the ability to record video? I'd love to be able to record videos using these effects.
  • Can you add the ability to take photos using no effect?
Please let me know if any of my suggestions are possible. I look forward to the addition of a photo library and upload options. I can't wait to see what else the future updates bring :D
Negitive Effect Needed...

I will buy when i get my iP4 if Negative is added as an effect...
I regularly take negative pictures with my current camera but need to preview in negative...:cool:
I'm surprised the it wasn't one of the first basic effects picked for this along with sepia and B&W... Wait... no B&W either?:eek: ...You definitely need both.:apple:
I will buy when i get my iP4 if Negative is added as an effect...
I regularly take negative pictures with my current camera but need to preview in negative...:cool:
I'm surprised the it wasn't one of the first basic effects picked for this along with sepia and B&W... Wait... no B&W either?:eek: ...You definitely need both.:apple:

Black & White is called "Noir" in the app, french for "black". And is the "X-Ray" effect not like a "negative" effect? (I'm not sure, but it seems to be).

You should still consider buying it, though, as the developer promises to continue to add new effects and features. I highly recommend it. I've used this app a lot with my friends. It's nice to be able to preview all the effects so that you can line up the perfect shot :D
Negative imperative

The sample picture for the X-ray effect doesn't seem very close to a straight negative effect...

This is a negative picture I took with my last (Dumb)phone...
I would never have found out that there was a good picture there without previewing in negative.

View attachment 0320001757.jpg

I used it when I designed the skin for my iPhone 4. A simple reverse color values hopefully wouldn't be that hard of an effect to add...
Belly Cubed, Please add... I need a program for this... I can't find ANY other contact info for you... The app looks solid... Congrats on your 1.1!:D
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