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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 6, 2008
For all you Camera+ owners who were bummed out by the latest version being rejected for having volumesnap in it, well there is a workaround that you can do to get volumesnap in the current released version

Go to safari and in the URL field type this in minus the quotes, "camplus://enablevolumesnap" Hit go and you now have volumesnap enabled. Kinda crazy they left this in since they are making so much money off this app, now it will most likely be pulled.

Oh well, enjoy

Found on this site:
+1 very nice! I don't understand what the big deal is using the volume button as a shutter release...
it does work

It doesn't add (at least in my phone) any menu selection to turn on or off - but the volume buttons (either one) now DO take a pic.

thanks for posting
For all you Camera+ owners who were bummed out by the latest version being rejected for having volumesnap in it, well there is a workaround that you can do to get volumesnap in the current released version

Go to safari and in the URL field type this in minus the quotes, "camplus://enablevolumesnap" Hit go and you now have volumesnap enabled. Kinda crazy they left this in since they are making so much money off this app, now it will most likely be pulled.

Oh well, enjoy

Found on this site:

nice. thank you!
Anyone else running Camera+ with the volume button hack above have an issue where it takes a picture, without touching anything, right after you click "Take photos"? I've restarted the app and the iPhone and it still does it.
Anyone else running Camera+ with the volume button hack above have an issue where it takes a picture, without touching anything, right after you click "Take photos"? I've restarted the app and the iPhone and it still does it.

The bug happens when switching from lightbox back to the camera. The easiest workaround for the time being is to switch back to the camera using the camera icon on the bottom of the lightbox menu. Hope this helps.

I love being able to take pictures with the volume buttons!
This is the one feature I was looking for! sometimes the on screen tap just isn't useful.

the only problem I see will be potential for camera shake from the button press, but probably not a huge deal.
Worked for me, but couldn't stand the bug associated with switching from lightbox to camera. Changing enable to disable did not work in safari and subsequently had to delete and reinstall the app.
The bug happens when switching from lightbox back to the camera. The easiest workaround for the time being is to switch back to the camera using the camera icon on the bottom of the lightbox menu. Hope this helps.

I love being able to take pictures with the volume buttons!

Cool, that works for now. Thanks for the info. It is nice having the button to take the picture. Hope they figure out a fix soon.
this is a very cool hack. saw this yesterday and did it right away. used the volume buttons today - so much easier and natural to take a photo!

(mind you I haven't tried disabling it, but why would you want to?!)

I was a bit disappointed when I hard that Apple rejected VolumeSnap, but they have to be consistent. still, I think it's only a matter of time until it is allowed... but this is great for the interim. :D
+1 very nice! I don't understand what the big deal is using the volume button as a shutter release...

I think it offers more stability taking a photo because you don't have to touch the screen to take a shot.
People expect hardware button to be consistent. This isn't exclusive to the iphone.

So, when my alarm clock goes off in the morning, I can silence it by hitting one of the volume buttons or the sleep/wake button. OMG, how confusing! I thought these buttons did only one thing; volume and sleep/wakeApple has left me so confused now, I don't even who my iPhone is anymore!
Heh funny.

It's not unreasonable to think someone might want to turn down some music while taking a pic. Turning an alarm off is more of a priority.
Anyone else running Camera+ with the volume button hack above have an issue where it takes a picture, without touching anything, right after you click "Take photos"? I've restarted the app and the iPhone and it still does it.

I have this too
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