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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 19, 2003
i have camino and love it but it crashes quite often which is making me sick. does anyone know if firebird or any of the other mozilla browsers have the same interface and ease of use?
If you have broadband then just download and try each of them, and decide based on that. Firebird is fast, quite fast (aside from program loading time, on my 500MHz iMac) and has similar features to Camino. As Megaquad stated, there's also Safari, which can do prety much anything Camino does (it's been a while since I've bothered with Camino). Mozilla is fine, but much larger than Firebird, maybe a tad slower, and a bit uglier.

Try 'em all and chuck the ones you don't like, I say. And use to find the apps, if you don't already know where they are.
I switched from Camino to Firebird after upgrading to Panther. While Firebird is not perfect either, it's quite good. I've also used Mozilla v1.6 recently and, while it clears up some of the text display issues, it seems less stable than Firebird.
I concurr with what others said--Firebird is actually quite good these days, Mozilla isn't too bad, and Safari is getting better and better.

That said, I still use Camino, and I haven't had many crashing issues. Out of curiosity, are you using 0.7, or one of the newer nightly builds? I'm using a Nightly build from some time in December, and it's got a few REALLY nice little tweaks to the interface. Not all of the nightlies are stable, but if you've got a fast connection you can experiment a bit and find one that works for you.

Personally, my only issue with Camino is the text flow problems under Panther, which is apparently an Apple bug, but whoever's fault it is, it's hugely annoying. I believe 0.7 is also a bit more unstable under 10.3, though not severely so.
Originally posted by Makosuke

Personally, my only issue with Camino is the text flow problems under Panther, which is apparently an Apple bug, but whoever's fault it is, it's hugely annoying. I believe 0.7 is also a bit more unstable under 10.3, though not severely so.

You're probably right. It looks like a problem with QuickDraw under Panther as at least one other application I have is failing.

I haven't used Camino since I tried twice to get a nightly version of Camino that worked usefully and didn't find one. (I loved the scroll bars that didn't scroll anything! :D)
Originally posted by slipper
its a lot slower and i can only load one web page at a time.

Safari 1.2 is a lot faster than its predecessors.

Why do you say you can only load one page at a time? Are you talking about tabs? If so, Safari has those, too.
Yeah, Safari has tabs, but not enabled by default, which has been known to confuse many people. I'm not sure why Apple does that. Anyways, to use tabs, you have to turn on the feature in the Preferences pane.

I haven't used Camino since Panther came out, but it was great in Jaguar. I didn't like the default look so I changed that, but other than that I was pretty happy with it. Once 0.8 comes out, I am planning to try it and compare it to Safari. Safari is great, but still new, and has occasional bugs and has been known to use a large portion of the CPU at times.

Firebird is good too, another part of the Mozilla family. I liked Camino better, but it is worth a try as well. I would not recommend the Mozilla browser.

OmniWeb 5, although still a pulic beta, is worth looking into as well. The public beta still crashes often but I'm sure the final browser will be amazing.
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