Yeah, Safari has tabs, but not enabled by default, which has been known to confuse many people. I'm not sure why Apple does that. Anyways, to use tabs, you have to turn on the feature in the Preferences pane.
I haven't used Camino since Panther came out, but it was great in Jaguar. I didn't like the default look so I changed that, but other than that I was pretty happy with it. Once 0.8 comes out, I am planning to try it and compare it to Safari. Safari is great, but still new, and has occasional bugs and has been known to use a large portion of the CPU at times.
Firebird is good too, another part of the Mozilla family. I liked Camino better, but it is worth a try as well. I would not recommend the Mozilla browser.
OmniWeb 5, although still a pulic beta, is worth looking into as well. The public beta still crashes often but I'm sure the final browser will be amazing.