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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 26, 2021
Hi. I've done a search of this forum, but I haven't found a definitive answer to this question. I hope someone can help.

From time to time, every few weeks, the wi-fi network provided by my Airport Extreme (2nd gen) goes kaput, requiring a restart to set it right. (I never had this problem with the Time Capsule (1st gen) I used previously.) To be clear: the wi-fi network is still "there," and all devices are still apparently connected to it, and the light is still green, but no network traffic takes place. I haven't done troubleshooting to see if Ethernet connections still work; but that wouldn't help me much in any case.

I've tried doing a factory reset of the Airport Extreme, but the problem still persists.

So—assuming that this wi-fi issue is not easily fixable: I wonder if I can take my Airport Extreme out of the equation, while still getting the benefits of my Airport Express.

Here's my home network set-up:

Router from our cable ISP
  • in bridge mode
Airport Extreme 802.11n (2nd gen) (2007)
  • upper level of house
  • connected directly to ISP router via Ethernet
  • firmware: 7.8.1 (latest)
  • used for:
    • providing a wi-fi network (2.4 GHz)
Airport Express 802.11n (2nd gen) (2012)
  • lower level of house
  • firmware: 7.8.1 (latest)
  • (too far away to feasibly connect via Ethernet)
  • used for:
    • extending the 2.4 GHz network; otherwise signal is too weak in the lower level of our house
    • providing a 5 GHz network; used for all working-from-home devices
    • AirPlay of audio to connected speakers
Apple TV (3rd gen)
  • AirPlay via wi-fi

If I take the Airport Extreme out of the equation, and instead use my ISP router to create the wi-fi network, can I still use my Airport Express for any or all of the three functions listed above?

Thanks for any guidance.


macrumors 65816
Jul 8, 2014
My AEX's work fine with the Amplify HD's (2) I replaced my extreme with. I'm wired from the base HD to all other network devices. I cannot recommend the HD's. Little to no improvement over my old Extreme based network. They started out with a lot of buzz. Now they don't seem to rate even an entry to comparison tests.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 26, 2021

Can anyone else provide some advice for my situation?

TL/DR: If I were to retire my Airport Extreme, and instead use my ISP's router to supply the household network, taking it out of "bridge" mode, would I still be able to use my Airport Express for any of the following, as I do now?—
  • extending the router's wi-fi network
  • providing an additional network (dual-band functionality)
  • an AirPlay target (will the Express still show up in the AirPlay menus?)
Thank you for any help.
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