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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 19, 2008
I can't contact anyone at iClarified support so am having to resort to a MacRumors forum at least for now. Specifically, I am having trouble with the tutorial "How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [Updated 2.2]". Can I communicate directly by email with another MacRumors member or do we always have to go through the forum? I ask this because I have some pictures of my problem that may help someone to answer my questions (i.e. solve my problem) more quickly if he or she sees the pics. Thanks!
I can't contact anyone at iClarified support so am having to resort to a MacRumors forum at least for now. Specifically, I am having trouble with the tutorial "How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [Updated 2.2]". Can I communicate directly by email with another MacRumors member or do we always have to go through the forum? I ask this because I have some pictures of my problem that may help someone to answer my questions (i.e. solve my problem) more quickly if he or she sees the pics. Thanks!

feel free to message me on here go to my profile (by clicking on my user name choosing the send an email message button, I have a bunch of unlocking/jailbreaking experience so I might be able help you. :)
Hey Mann...(gotta love it!)

I'd really like to talk with ya but I don't see a "send an email" or similar button, so tried to send you an IM through Yahoo but you're not on there now... so guess I'll just keep trying other ways within your profile. Sooner or later...

Thanks Mann (sorry about that..:)....
feel free to message me on here go to my profile (by clicking on my user name choosing the send an email message button, I have a bunch of unlocking/jailbreaking experience so I might be able help you. :)

i think the jailbreaking for 2.2 does not work for a mac. ive tried it and it just stopped responding after it said entering dfu mode so what i ended up doing is jailbreaking it on my pc but syncing it on my mac:cool:
I can't contact anyone at iClarified support so am having to resort to a MacRumors forum at least for now. Specifically, I am having trouble with the tutorial "How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [Updated 2.2]". Can I communicate directly by email with another MacRumors member or do we always have to go through the forum? I ask this because I have some pictures of my problem that may help someone to answer my questions (i.e. solve my problem) more quickly if he or she sees the pics. Thanks!

Why don't you give some details of your exact problem with the tutorial? Or post some screen shots of your issue. A lot of people here have experience with jailbreaking. You may get a quick answer this way.
problem fixed -- I finally figured it out

Actually, the tutorial "How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [Updated 2.2]" works perfectly if only one doesn't stray one iota from the script and if one keeps trying it until it works. Duh... But I'm not sure about the jailbreaking part. I've downloaded a couple of apps from the App Store that suit my needs perfectly. Isn't jaibreaking a little passé now? Are there any other advantages to jaibreaking? Now that I have my iPhone back working again, I'm a little scared to do anything that might cause me problems later (especially if the pluses are limited). Should I or shouldn't I?

Thanks for your help and encouragement.
Actually, the tutorial "How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [Updated 2.2]" works perfectly if only one doesn't stray one iota from the script and if one keeps trying it until it works. Duh... But I'm not sure about the jailbreaking part. I've downloaded a couple of apps from the App Store that suit my needs perfectly. Isn't jaibreaking a little passé now? Are there any other advantages to jaibreaking? Now that I have my iPhone back working again, I'm a little scared to do anything that might cause me problems later (especially if the pluses are limited). Should I or shouldn't I?

Thanks for your help and encouragement.

well you can do cool things like themes, video recorder, unapproved apps. The lists are endless. :)
What am I missing here?

OK, say I've got a first gen iPhone with 2.2 firmware, unlocked, which I got by following the iClarified tutorial "How to Unlock/Jailbreak Your 2.x.x 2G iPhone (Mac) [Updated 2.2]". I'm sure I followed the process correctly and that Cydia and Installer (maybe) were supposed to be installed on my iPhone as a result -- which is indicative that it had been jailbroken or am I wrong about that? Could my iPhone already be jailbroken and I just don't know it? How to check? If not, why not? Do I have to go through the whole unlock/activation process again to now jailbreak or is there a way to just jailbreak? I'm on a Mac BTW.
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