Just got a 13.3 version, looking for a case to go with it.
Can anyone give me some advice?
Really appreciate that.
I've got it myself, really looking great, very sturdy, well made.
Leather inside is orange suede and outside leather is black, bit shiny.
The white one is white leather outside, suede black inside.
The brand is called 'More'. But I really can't find a website from the manufacturer. The only website where I can find them is the one above, where I bought it.
Thanks for your advices, guys. This is really helpful. Just looking for a sleeve as well as a case. Any other sleeve options?
I like this one. simple enough. but is there any space for the charger?
I envy you. When I travel, I have always been too paranoid to put the charger anywhere else but the computer bag along with several other things I might need, but probably won't. Anyway now that I have a 13 inch MBA and a fitted Marware bag for it, the whole package is refreshingly light, even with the charger, a thumb drive, cell phone charger, and iPod charger in it. At least I don't carry a Superdrive, too, so maybe I'm getting better.Nope, only in my trousers or coat.
But I've found that on a daily use I don't need that, only when I'm gone for longer than a day, and when I do, I always have a bag with luggage where I can put the charger in.