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macrumors 601
Original poster
Oct 21, 2004
Buying a Nikon D40 tomorrow? I've searched a couple of good MR threads on this camera, some dealing more with lense preferences and understand it's largely about buying in to lenses as well, but plan on getting a Nikon D40 tomorrow.

With a good Digital SLR , 18x55mm lense, I have a couple of Zoom 200s from an older Nikon (pre D interface) which I don't believe will be usable, but with 6 megapixel, light weight, mid-entry in to higher end which is not too pricey ~$599 plus a 1Gb memory chip for an amatuer who shoots landscape, people groups, no plans to print, just use for publications and personal, it seems like what I'm interested in. Lack of depth of field view is one minor draw back, but it seems to be pretty intuitive and for harder trips (jungle), etc. I like to portability and light weight for handy on the move use.

I'm looking for any Canon fans (I've checked out the Rebel) or others who could dissuade me from going for it. Thanks to any pros or buffs who'd care to comment with no worries about coming on strongly one way or another. I just though this august group would have some sound, proven advice. Thanks again for any input.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Well if you have some older zooms, they wouldn't have been able to AF or meter with a D50 or D80 anyway, so the D40 is just as good in that respect.

And about the D40 being an "entry level camera".....I really do believe that the only difference between the bottom-end camera and a mid or higher end camera is the price, plus bragging rights.

- The viewfinder is usually worse than it is on more expensive models, but the D40 has an excellent viewfinder.

- The camera can take photos at around 3 fps, which is the same as many of the more expensive camera. The Canon 5D is a perfect example.

- The features and settings aren't available on the body. This is one of the few ways that companies like Nikon and Canon can differentiate their low end cameras from their high-end, and it all seems rather artificial in the way they do it. All these cameras are good in terms of photographic quality. I like quick access to the various settings, but most hobbyists can easily afford to work at their own pace, so no worries. ;)

- Build quality and materials aren't as good. Well, that's true. The feel of the materials is just something you'll notice when you initially get it. You'll just get used to it, especially if the results are good. If the results are good, you'll forget that the Nikon D200 feels much heavier and solid than a D40. How solid does this camera need to be, anyway? The D40 is certainly solid enough to bang against something without cracking. You won't be swinging it at anyone, will you? It's fine.


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
I say, "Go for it!!" I have a D50 I bought for $499 w/kit lens reconditioned by Nikon, but if the D40 had been available last August I probably would have grabbed one. The one thing I don't really like about the D50 is the smallish viewfinder. I haven't seen a D40 yet, but I am under the impression from all I read that the viewfinder is better, more like that of the D80. Maybe someone who has one can confirm this. Another thing I like about the D40 is the ability to shoot at 3200 ISO if needed. And since the image quality of the 6 MB sensor of the D50 is really good, the D40 is only better.

I can't speak for the Canon Rebel family of cameras personally, other than the fact that I used to shoot Canon EOS 630 and EOS A2 35mm bodies with various lenses, and those cameras were great tools, and durable as hell. My impression of the Rebels was just the opposite - they felt flimsy and very lightweight in construction quality. I don't know how that characteristic carried over in the digital versions, but my guess is the Nikon will feel more solid in your hand. Just an opinion, not gospel.

I'd just go get the D40, and then shoot a bunch of pics, and post some of them here. I'd love to see them.


macrumors 68000
Feb 12, 2005
Caracas, Venezuela
I'm looking for any Canon fans (I've checked out the Rebel) or others who could dissuade me from going for it. Thanks to any pros or buffs who'd care to comment with no worries about coming on strongly one way or another. I just though this august group would have some sound, proven advice. Thanks again for any input.

I personally am a Canon fan (30D's on my wish list) but for an entry level camera, the D40 is quite good. Every DSLR right now will give you picture quality far above any P&S. It comes down to certain features you want or even certain lenses you might want to buy down the road. If there's a particular lens you're quite sure of getting, make sure it has an internal AF motor, or else if you buy it you'll have to focus manually.

Last thing to consider is ergonomics. You're going to be using this camera a lot (I presume ;)) and it'd better be comfortable! I've always heard that Nikon has better ergonomics, button layout, etc. so you might want to check that out.

I'm assuming you already handled one and are comfortable with it :)


macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2006
Lubbock, TX
I personally don't really dig the D40 much, maybe it's because I like the idea of being able to use some other lenses other than DX and AP-S series stuff. Also, I like having the on the top display to tell me my settings without having to look at my viewfinder. Also, the kit lens with the D40 is less than impressive. You'll have the itch to upgrade soon after you buy that lens in my opinion. However, the small form factor and whatnot wouldn't make it a bad back up body to carry with you on hikes...


macrumors 68000
May 26, 2006
The 18-55 kit lens with the D40 is acutally decent.

Also, a large proportion of AF-S/AF-I lenses are not DX. I have 4 AF-S lenses now, and have owned over 8. Out of those, only one currently and one other in the past has been DX.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Oct 21, 2004
Thanks everyone for the sound advice and insight. Mucho appreciated-o

As many of you can imagine, my phone goes off early this a.m. with a "______ help, can you do a quick crop, resolution, resize reformat emergency job on two discs of jpeg scans from the 70's for our presentation this weekend?" I pretty much detest the programmed response, "no problem", but out of my mouth comes "sure, no problem", bigger'n Dallas. So today was a no purchase day. Mañana, here we come.


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
Thanks everyone for the sound advice and insight. Mucho appreciated-o

As many of you can imagine, my phone goes off early this a.m. with a "______ help, can you do a quick crop, resolution, resize reformat emergency job on two discs of jpeg scans from the 70's for our presentation this weekend?" I pretty much detest the programmed response, "no problem", but out of my mouth comes "sure, no problem", bigger'n Dallas. So today was a no purchase day. Mañana, here we come.

yikes! what kind of job do you have where you need to do that stuff? or are you just the mac guy at work™?;)
enjoy the D40! You can start building your collection of glass with it, then move up to a newer or nicer model in a few years. and be sure to post to the POD thread and photo contests!


macrumors 601
Original poster
Oct 21, 2004
yikes! what kind of job do you have where you need to do that stuff? or are you just the mac guy at work™?;)
enjoy the D40! You can start building your collection of glass with it, then move up to a newer or nicer model in a few years. and be sure to post to the POD thread and photo contests!
Bought it tonight. Haven't had the chance to even take it out of the box, yet. I'll practice up some with inadvertent shots of my feet, floor, ceiling and blurrred images of people walking by my view finder, then check out the POD thread. And yes, out of the 7 around the conference table, I'm the only token "mac" guy™.
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