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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Mar 7, 2006
Salt Lake City UT
I know that Aperture has been productive for digital photography but I was wondering whether Aperture is better than iPhoto/Photoshop for scanned film? Iphoto for catalogue and Photoshop for the editing.

Father Jack

macrumors 68020
Jan 1, 2007
Once your neg is scanned it is a digital file and as such you can use any editing software program.
Personally I prefer Photoshop for any editing and iPhoto for cataloging.



macrumors 6502
Feb 28, 2005
In the cool neighborhood of LA
but I was wondering whether Aperture is better than iPhoto/Photoshop for scanned film? Iphoto for catalogue and Photoshop for the editing.

Forgive me if I am stating the obvious here - but think of Aperture as the big brother of iphoto. More functionality, faster and better workflow, etc. But in principle Aperture and iphoto do the same thing. Cataloguing software with some minor editing functions.
For all the major editing you still need to rely on an editor, e.g. Photoshop.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I know that Aperture has been productive for digital photography but I was wondering whether Aperture is better than iPhoto/Photoshop for scanned film? Iphoto for catalog and Photoshop for the editing.

Yes. Aperture has much better cataloging abilities than does iPhoto. And it has basic "dust busting" tools and offers more sophisticated color and exposure adjust so you may not need Photoshop. The only reason to prefer iPhoto over Aperture is either
  1. You don't want to go through Aperture's much steeper learning curve
  2. Your hardware can't run Aperture (You need a high-end Mac)
  3. You don't want to spend $300
All of the above are good reasons not to choose aperture. For most users #1 is enough of a reason


macrumors member
Aug 25, 2006
Columbus, Ohio
One frustrating thing about Aperture though: you can't modify the date field in the metadata.

If you can, and I'm wrong, will someone please correct me? However I'm pretty sure I'm correct. And it would be nice to edit that field because obviously the scanned date has little correlation with the actual date the photo was taken (or painting was painted, etc.)


macrumors 6502
Feb 28, 2005
In the cool neighborhood of LA
One frustrating thing about Aperture though: you can't modify the date field in the metadata.

If you can, and I'm wrong, will someone please correct me? However I'm pretty sure I'm correct. And it would be nice to edit that field because obviously the scanned date has little correlation with the actual date the photo was taken (or painting was painted, etc.)

You should send that feature request to the Aperture team.
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