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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 24, 2009
I have finally gotten my hands on the Apple TV and got it all set up but while I was testing things out I noticed that movies I was streaming from my iTunes library (yes they are in 5.1) that I bought are not playing with 5.1 surround on my home theatre system. I'm pretty sure everything is hooked up properly and was wondering if streaming from my iTunes library was limited to stereo channels only or if I have just missed a step.

Yes you can stream 5.1 dolby to the apple tv. I have over 100 movies that are streamed from my imac and they all are streamed in dolby 5.1. Make sure you go into the apple tv settings and change dolby from "auto" to "on".
I meant in 5.1 channel surround. But I got it figured out, my Apple TV setting was on Auto for dolby digital and wasn't reading the 5.1 signal from my iTunes libraby. I switched it to On and seems to work perfect now.

I'm fairly impressed with this gadget. It doesn't do everything and no matter what Apple puts out people will bash because it is missing this, or missing that but for $119 (canadian) I no longer have to mess around hooking up my mbp to watch movies I rent or buy on iTunes, (was always ****** at returning rented dvds lol) I have Netflix (limited content but cheap like borscht) can listen to my music at will on my sound system....not too shabby.
I don't think Devices was available in that version.

detoxguy means 5.1 Surround Sound, not iTunes 5.1

The new Apple does 5.1 surround sound (I know mine does), but it depends on your set-up. What's your set-up like?

Mine: HDMI from my Apple TV to my Flat Panel TV, then a coaxial cable from my TV to my Home Theatre system, and I get 5.1 automatically.
detoxguy means 5.1 Surround Sound, not iTunes 5.1

The new Apple does 5.1 surround sound (I know mine does), but it depends on your set-up. What's your set-up like?

Mine: HDMI from my Apple TV to my Flat Panel TV, then a coaxial cable from my TV to my Home Theatre system, and I get 5.1 automatically.

Can you also attach hdmi from receiver to TV and just attach apple tv hdmi to receiver? and then you don't need to use optical output on apple tv?
Can you also attach hdmi from receiver to TV and just attach apple tv hdmi to receiver? and then you don't need to use optical output on apple tv?

Yes, I finally got it figured out and I run hdmi from apple tv to receiver then hdmi out from receiver to TV. Now that I turned dolby digital from auto to on it works great.

Actually works better than what I used to use as I never could get iTunes to send 5.1 digital through optical to receiver from my mbp, I saw a bunch of tutorials but seemed never to work so now I've got everything set up perfect and was even able to set up an input for my new turntable. I bought an airport extreme and everything streams smooth like butter.
also make sure it is playing the 5.1 audio channel, if it has more than 1.

when playing movie hold up arrow, which brings up the movie description, then press and hold either play/pause or select cant remember which, and is displays the audio streams on the movie
Related DD 5.1 question. What streamed sources are available in DD 5.1? Netflix isn't as far as I can tell. Are movies purchased or rented from ITunes in DD 5.1?


Related DD 5.1 question. What streamed sources are available in DD 5.1? Netflix isn't as far as I can tell. Are movies purchased or rented from ITunes in DD 5.1?



I believe the HD movies are in 5.1 on iTunes. Most of us just encode our own though....
Related DD 5.1 question. What streamed sources are available in DD 5.1? Netflix isn't as far as I can tell. Are movies purchased or rented from ITunes in DD 5.1?



Most, if not all the movies (and TV shows) available on iTunes are DD 5.1, but like Diode said, most of us have copied our own movies using various programs and if available, I make sure to always encode my movies in 5.1

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