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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 6, 2017
I saw many examples of ARkit that can map "floor" with your iPhone rear cam. What about the front camera ? Can we use ARkit to take advantage for better tracking in Apps like Snapchat ?


macrumors G5
Jun 21, 2013
I saw many examples of ARkit that can map "floor" with your iPhone rear cam. What about the front camera ? Can we use ARkit to take advantage for better tracking in Apps like Snapchat ?

We'll find out in September!
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Jun 28, 2017
Oh course it will be fundamentally better for Snapchat and other filter-based apps, but that certainly is not game changing in any way. It's simply far superior for entertainment in that respect. AR tech needs to come to the rear of the device for game changing things to occur. The front is mainly for entertainment while the rear has some utility. One thing you could image the front being used for would be for trying on glasses using AR. The 3D infrared sensors giving data to third-party apps could easily see this occur, and even more outlandish, but possible, would be eye examine tests wherein the app could know the distance the eyes are from the screen to get an accurate assessment of eyesight, and it could allow for accurate eyeglasses in that it could easily measure the pupil to pupil distance and maybe more profound things like a 3D image of the eyeball itself, allowing the app to determine lens shape, etc.
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