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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 29, 2004
Rome, Italy
Ok, I've been flooding this forum with dumb questions lately but I promise this is the last one before I rush out and buy my (G4) laptop (don't you love the current prices?).

Basically, can I have the laptop connected to my airport extreme base for dial-up connection (I know, I know) and, at the same time, connect to an airport express for streaming music to my stereo setup? Or would the double-airport connection drive my lappy crazy? :confused:

What you can do is put the Express on the same network as the Extreme using WDS. :)

This means you use the functionality of both, extend your range and don't have to worry about switching networks.
mad jew said:
What you can do is put the Express on the same network as the Extreme using WDS. :)

This means you use the functionality of both, extend your range and don't have to worry about switching networks.

Thanks mad jew for the fast and great reply.
This looks like exactly what I need.
I'll go through the doc in a sec and see if it raises any more questions!

Thanks again

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