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macrumors 68040
Original poster
May 20, 2010
Ypsilanti, MI
I know this is the Picture gallery subforum, but there really is no better place to post this. I'd like to post a video from each bike ride I do. I just got a camera to put on my helmet and I started doing POV videos. I highlight any dangerous/interesting/cool thing that happens during the ride, and I compile them into one video.
Here's today's video:
Not only was the other guy tailgating, but also breaking the unofficial code of conduct regarding wearing team gear - unless he actually does ride for Quickstep. ;) In my country, people are pretty obsessive about that rule. ;)

You're lucky to be able to ride on the footpath. Here where I live, it's illegal to ride on most footpaths - you must ride on the road instead.

I haven't got a camera yet, or I'd do some of these videos.
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No only was the other guy tailgating, but also breaking the unofficial code of conduct regarding wearing team gear - unless he actually does ride for Quickstep. In my country, people are pretty obsessive about that rule. ;)

You're lucky to be able to ride on the footpath. Here where I live, it's illegal to ride on most footpaths - you must ride on the road instead.

I haven't got a camera yet, or I'd do some of these videos.

It's a multi-use pedestrian/cycling path.
Don't see anything wrong with the dog. If you're driving behind someone and they do something dumb and you hit them, it's your fault. So I think it's on you to give sufficient space to the pedestrian and their dog no matter what stupid thing the dog decides to do.

'Lance Armstrong' deciding you were too slow and passing with what looked like 3 foot between you and the guy in the other direction is a complete tool though, if he thinks you're too slow, he should go ride on the road, where his bike was designed to be.
just a little advice....aim the cam up a bit....I cycle and no one wants to watch vids featuring the pavement!
Don't see anything wrong with the dog. If you're driving behind someone and they do something dumb and you hit them, it's your fault. So I think it's on you to give sufficient space to the pedestrian and their dog no matter what stupid thing the dog decides to do.

'Lance Armstrong' deciding you were too slow and passing with what looked like 3 foot between you and the guy in the other direction is a complete tool though, if he thinks you're too slow, he should go ride on the road, where his bike was designed to be.
The path I was on is a MUP (multi use path) and it is used predominantly by cyclists. It is my obligation to announce my presence when I pass someone, especially if they have a dog. The guy with the dog needed to hold onto the leash a bit tighter so that the dog cannot move laterally. I'm not saying if I ran over the dog that it wouldn't have been my fault (I should be careful when passing people with dogs). It most certainly would've been my fault. Though he still had the obligation to keep his dog out of my way.

Also, for what it's worth, I was slowing down because I needed to turn back and go home.

just a little advice....aim the cam up a bit....I cycle and no one wants to watch vids featuring the pavement!

Will do! Thanks!
The path I was on is a MUP (multi use path) and it is used predominantly by cyclists. It is my obligation to announce my presence when I pass someone, especially if they have a dog.

Wish we had more of those kinds of paths here. A relative of mine works in another state in planning, and they give cycling paths equal importance to roads. And they actually prefer to have them off-road, rather than on-road. It's an enlightened view - just a shame here in the state I'm in they won't do that. :rolleyes:

If I were in power, that would change. Many things would change actually. :D
This makes me want to take my bike out for a spin, but it's the dead of winter here (even though temps are in the low 40s) and I don't feel like catching cold. Once the weather starts looking better, I'm going to get a bike rack for the car and go explore a bit.

I wish there were paths like that around here, but alas..
This makes me want to take my bike out for a spin, but it's the dead of winter here (even though temps are in the low 40s) and I don't feel like catching cold. Once the weather starts looking better, I'm going to get a bike rack for the car and go explore a bit.

I wish there were paths like that around here, but alas..

I don't think you need a rack at all. Just do rides starting at 5mi, then move to 10mi, then 15mi, 20mi, etc.. until you have built up your endurance to be able to go across the state of NY! During the last cycling season, I did the same and my longest ride to boot is 65mi. This season I will hopefully be able to do a century or even a double century ride! (century=100mi) I'll try for a half century this weekend, though I may run out of daylight (I sleep in until around 10am on the weekends).
I don't think you need a rack at all. Just do rides starting at 5mi, then move to 10mi, then 15mi, 20mi, etc.. until you have built up your endurance to be able to go across the state of NY! During the last cycling season, I did the same and my longest ride to boot is 65mi. This season I will hopefully be able to do a century or even a double century ride! (century=100mi) I'll try for a half century this weekend, though I may run out of daylight (I sleep in until around 10am on the weekends).

Probably. Though I should look into a new saddle if I go longer distances. The most I've done is 30 miles and the day after wasn't comfortable. :cool:

How long's a century take on average roads? 7-8 hours?
I don't believe we can embed Vimeo videos so here is a link to a ride I recorder with my GoPro

Thanks for watching!
Great video! The GoPro really has a smoother image quality (not nearly as shaky). Do you have barends or bullhorns?
Probably. Though I should look into a new saddle if I go longer distances. The most I've done is 30 miles and the day after wasn't comfortable. :cool:

How long's a century take on average roads? 7-8 hours?

Saddles are easy to install. I use a discarded saddle from a Specialized mountain bike. It was free and it's great. If you're a male, you want a narrow saddle. You don't want a saddle to support anything except for your ischial tuberosities. Soreness on a narrow saddle is something that you have to get used to.

I've never done a full century, but my half century took 3.5 hours. I took the Cherry Creek trail to the South Platte River trail to Bear Creek trail. Google Maps it if you're really interested.

I love that stem! It is reminiscent of a quill stem.... But I'm not digging everything else on that bike. Maybe I'm just not into fixie style.

I was planning on going on a bike ride today, but typical Colorado weather prevailed. It snowed for about 3 hours this morning, but is sunny now and most of the snow has melted. Though it's sunny, it is below 30ºF, so it's too cold by my standards to go for a ride. I'll take a ride tomorrow and do another video.
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I ride in New York City. Being that it's utter chaos down here, this kind of stuff happens every 2 minutes, with cars. I'd take your shared pedestrian path over 6th avenue. ;)
I ride in New York City. Being that it's utter chaos down here, this kind of stuff happens every 2 minutes, with cars. I'd take your shared pedestrian path over 6th avenue. ;)

I want to get into New York cycling style. It's madness! Trade? Sounds great! ;) :cool:

The only time I feel like a cyclist in the city is when the 16th street walking mall is closed to cyclists (every day of the week except Sunday) and I take 15th (runs parallel to 16th) and move in and out of lanes with cars. It's exhilarating!
If you didnt cycle so slowly you wouldnt have every man and his dog over taking you... Then you stop in the middle of the path and undertake the slowest, most awkward 180 possible.

There's probably a video of you on an actual cycling forum labelled 'warning'
If you didnt cycle so slowly you wouldnt have every man and his dog over taking you... Then you stop in the middle of the path and undertake the slowest, most awkward 180 possible.

There's probably a video of you on an actual cycling forum labelled 'warning'
I stopped on the concrete ramp on the side of the trail and looked if there were any cyclists. There was nobody coming from either direction, so I turned around and went home. I see nothing wrong with what I did there.
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