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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 24, 2009
I want Adobe FlashPlayer because alot of radio shows use this format, so I could just listen live through Safari on my iPhone 3GS. Any idea how to do this??

yeah im too lazy to look for google too .
thanks for the help smarta$$. for your info i did a google search, and searched the forums. there are some youtube videos claiming to show you how but they involve something called "cydia" and "purplera1n", but then another video says don't use purplerain b/c it is crap and doesn't work, so i came here to ask the experts.

No, Flash Player is not available for the iPhone yet.

i understand it's not officially available, but is there any program, like this "cydia" thing, that will allow it to play on the iPhone?
thanks for the help smarta$$. for your info i did a google search, and searched the forums. there are some youtube videos claiming to show you how but they involve something called "cydia" and "purplera1n", but then another video says don't use purplerain b/c it is crap and doesn't work, so i came here to ask the experts.

i understand it's not officially available, but is there any program, like this "cydia" thing, that will allow it to play on the iPhone?

Okay, first I want you to truly believe I am not trying to be a smart### here. However, I do feel the forums should help new people here as much as possible, and that's what I'm going to attempt to do by showing you what you could do. Make sense?

So, you were asking about cydia and flash. All you needed to do was put those two search terms in "search forums" (and if you really wanted to constrain the search, you could put nothing in, click search forums, and then put the terms in and click the hack forums and then click search). Anyway, after you did that, a new screen would come up with the search results. Just a few threads down this came up:

Note: I left the highlights in.

The title even has flash and J/B.

You can look through the rest of the threads and you might find something new out there.

So, had you done that, you wouldn't have had to experience some of the comments you got. Some people just lose their patience answering the same questions over and over is all. My pet peeve is MMS. :)

I hope that helped you for what you wanted and in the future.
thank you for your help :)

thanks for the help smarta$$. for your info i did a google search, and searched the forums. there are some youtube videos claiming to show you how but they involve something called "cydia" and "purplera1n", but then another video says don't use purplerain b/c it is crap and doesn't work, so i came here to ask the experts.

i understand it's not officially available, but is there any program, like this "cydia" thing, that will allow it to play on the iPhone?

If you don't even know what cydia is then you haven't search enough. You are looking for unofficial app and cydia is the only place to get it. Don't blame others when you are too lazy to search more.
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