I've been trying to find a free download for PhotoStudio X. Lightening struck my eMac. I got it fixed, but lost everything. I've reloaded everything but this, and I can;t find a free download anywhere!
Just to say that it looks like that is software from an old generation.....
You could get a much better image editor/graphics editor for free such as The Gimp... www.gimp.org
or you could just bite the bucket and buy Photoshop Elements (Come on I mean its only £50 or £60.....
I use Photoshop CS4 but then again that is quite advanced
P.S. Don't pirate it.. There are lots of developers who need the money from you buying it!! (THANKS)
P.P.S You might check out http://www.321download.com/LastFreeware/index.html as they sometimes have old copy's of software before it came to Shareware....
Or try contacting the developers regarding replacement/upgrading policies that they have in place (though I have to agree with the Photoshop Elements note above). You're not the first person who has had a disaster without having a backup (apparently) sad to say. Take the lightning strike as a lesson learned!