Only use quickpwn if your iPhone is a 1st gen.
Why do you say that? I have used it plenty of times on the 3G.![]()
Sorry I mean to specify, don't use quickpwn with the 3G if you are interested in unlocking your phone in the future. because quickpwn doesn't preserve the baseband.
I just updated my 1st gen iphone 1.1.4 to 2.2 with itunes, but when I tried to jailbreak it and unlock it with QuickPwn 2.2 it stucks in......wait while your iphone is prepared for jailbreaking. Any suggestions pls?
oh dear sorry to hear that. may wait then.
can you go back to 1.1.4?
do this: restore your iphone in itunes and that should update it to a fresh 2.2. Then download and run quickpwn, and the unlock will be back. Only use quickpwn if your iPhone is a 1st gen.
I have a slightly different situation, to be really specific, I've jailbroken my 2G phone after 2.0 came out, but never upgraded since the jailbreak. I want to upgrade from a jailbroken 2.0 to 2.2. Do I upgrade the software to 2.2 on itunes thereby locking it again and then use quickpwn, or do I have to do a restore from my latest itunes backup, or something else? Thanks.
Upgrading to 2.2 through iTunes won't get rid of the unlock on your 2G, because the upgrade doesn't change the baseband. Just upgrade and run quickpwn it is that easy.