You cannot make copies in Windows!
The problem being that Macs and Mac software come on disks that are formatted in HFS and HFS+ formats. The other rare possibility would be UDF (What DVD Movies are formatted). Now, you can install software on your PC called "MacDrive" that lets your PC see HFS formatting. Otherwise it wouldn't see the disk. Then there are the problems of "Privileges" and how a disk works under OS X. SImply, I don't think that it is a good Idea to make a copy, if you even can with MacDrive installed. Let's say you get it to the point of it seeing the disk and all of what it thinks is on the disk and you copy it. It is truly an exact copy? I would say no! It is hard enough to make "exact copies for back-up purposes in the Mac OS. Now you may be able to get things to work, but they still may not be "exact" even on a Mac. If you are willing to try it, more power to you! I just wouldn't waste my time. There are too many variables involved! Who really needs to make a "back-up" anyway? Just go buy the game or software and give your friend back his disk!
The Apple Super User,
Jimmy Hollywood!