Each Apple TV will be connected via ethernet connection at each of the locations. Currently the computers at each location are set up to be able to access the main computer at one of the locations to pull files from and to save files to.
From what I am hearing, if I have a computer at on e of the locations that has iTunes on it running all the time and tell each Apple TV to access that perticular computer fo content it will work, even though they are in different buildings?
Another question....In my home I would like to place 3 Apple TVs hooked to a single computer with all the content on it, they will me using a wired connection and would need to have central computer running iTunes all the time?
Will each Apple TV in both scenarios be able to pull info from the main computer and play it at the same time? For example one location wants to play Alladin and so does another location, will the content be able to go to both units and be able to be played?